
  • Filed As


  • Collector(s)

    S. S. Tillet 672115, 26 Jan 1967 - 18 Feb 1967

  • Location

    Peru. Amazonas. Bagua Prov. Dist. Senepa [Cenepa]. 2° road from Nuevo Nazareth (imacita), near mouth of R. Imeza, on R. Marañon, leading inland 2 k to Carretera.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 4004866

    Occurrence ID: c9c47aef-ef64-4906-961b-a7f800c42a93

  • Feedback

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  • Kingdom


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  • Family


  • All Determinations


  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • County/Municipio

    Bagua Prov.

  • Locality

    Dist. Senepa [Cenepa]. 2° road from Nuevo Nazareth (imacita), near mouth of R. Imeza, on R. Marañon, leading inland 2 k to Carretera.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 250 - 300 m. (820 - 984 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

i|gl 'íT
SOIL: dark~brown topsoil seldom more than 1
dm; 1 cm leaves & debris on surface; subsoi
pure clay bedded in various eolors: blue—gr
to yellow, red—brown & brown; occasionally
somewhat friable or sandy, to ^10 m in som
flof road cuts; few outcrops, of darjc grey, ha.
sandstone(?), mostly in stream beds; patche.
of richer soil near R#. TOPOGRAPHYi low ro
ing hills near K., with steep—sided quebra-
das; small amount of level area * PLANT COM-
KUKITYi Bosque Seco Tropical (Acc. to Tosi,
I960) the area covered with a mod« dense fo.
est to 25 m; the emergents higher^ many
with butreased bases; many of taller trees
ssxsxsd with orchids, aroids* ferns, bromel*
iads, 80 numerous lianes, epi* shrubs & tree
ground with dense growth of small shrubs, u
derstiorey trees & herbs*^ LOCALITY: Z road
from Nuevo Nazareth (Imacita), near mouth o
R* Imaza, on R* Marañen, leading inland 2 k
to Carretera# Most of coll. from, or near,
recently felled right-ofway* 'Whole area ne
R* at one time or another cut over by the
¿guarunas, with some farming* Peru, Bpto*
Amazonas, Prov. Baguá, Dist. Senepa, 2$0~#C(
m elev* above sea level*
26 January - 18 February 1967
tie* Yo^
Pern ?
Cyathea bipinnatifida (Baker) Domin
do«-- I)linger. 1997
26 enero --18 feb'
frecuencia: looally frequent .
J erect, sith single trunk
tO 5 «. de altara
M,onl »1.
morfalogu	* ' v. ’I."'':
| few on main trunk* but at base to 1*5 dm thick
with dense growth of rootlets
ramentum dark brown: leaf scars about 8x2*5 om
appressed upwards
petiole appressed 2*5 dm, then arching over to
Horizontal; free portion of petiole and blade 1i#
J* about 2 to; blade lanaa-elttptio, horizontal, aroii^
t ffjjffgr the bases just overlapping; papery, brittfj#;
5 mm long,at base; poxTSflbns of, lea? collected
petiole with x£±kx perpendicular spinet
Wing basal leaflet* one near center, and tip,