Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée

  • Filed As

    Campyloneurum angustifolium (Sw.) Fée

  • Collector(s)

    G. M. Diggs, Jr. 2090, 10 Jul 1978

  • Location

    Mexico. Oaxaca. SE slopes of Cerro San Felipe: along Mex. Hwy 175 to Ixtlán de Juárez, 1.8 km below (S of) road summit a La Cumbre, 24 km by road (at jct. with Hwy. 190) and 14 km by air NE of Oaxaca.

  • Specimen Notes

    [Record databased by volunteers in the DIGIVOL Crowdsourcing Platform. Imported to NYBG database in 2022.]

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 3967307

    Occurrence ID: fb0b7fd9-061e-4065-96bc-46bf08db62e7

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    North America

  • Country


  • State/Province


  • Locality

    SE slopes of Cerro San Felipe: along Mex. Hwy 175 to Ixtlán de Juárez, 1.8 km below (S of) road summit a La Cumbre, 24 km by road (at jct. with Hwy. 190) and 14 km by air NE of Oaxaca.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 2650 m. (8694 ft.)

  • Coordinates

    17.13, -96.63

  • Location Notes

    [Mexico & Central America]

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

Plants of MEXICO
Polypodium amphostenon Kunze
Epiphyte on large tree.
OAXACA: SE slopes of Cerro San Felipe:
along Mex. Hvy. 175 to Ixtlan de Juarez, 1.8
km below (S of) road summit at La Cumbre, 2k
km by road (at jet. with Hwy. 190) and lU km
by air NE of Qaxaca (l7°08'N, 96 38*W).
Pine-Oak forest on steep E- & W-facing ra-
vine sides, with Oreopanax xalapense & epi-
phytic fungi, lichens, mosses & fen^s; shrub
layer with Rubus trilobus3 Monnina xalapense,
Comorostaphylis, Fuchsia cf. eneliandra;
ground layer with Stellaria, Cuphea oyanea,
Chimaphilaj Gaultheria, Staohys coooineas in
deep peaty mulch.	Alt.: 2650 m.
July 10, 1978	No.: 2°90
Colls.:George M. Diggs, Jr. w/ TSC
Dept. Botany, Univ. WisconsIn-Madison, Mexican research
trip, summer 1978. Participants: G.J. Breckon, M.E.
Breckon, S. Caughlan, T.S. Cochrane, B.A. Cochrane, C.M.
Corcoran, G. Diggs, D.A. Kolterman, & M.A. Raveret.