Guarea macrophylla subsp. pachycarpa (C.DC.) T.D.Penn.

  • Filed As

    Guarea macrophylla subsp. pachycarpa (C.DC.) T.D.Penn.

  • Collector(s)

    T. D. Pennington 10166 with T. Santos, 01 Apr 1978

  • Location

    Brazil. Bahia. CEPLAC Forest Reserve.

  • Habitat

    Cacau plantation, reverted to forest.

  • Description

    Tree 8 m x 15 cm. [see specimen label for additional information]. Phenology of specimen: Fruit.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 390066

    Occurrence ID: 97ef82a2-3c30-4adf-8ab3-19ccdecde10a

  • Feedback

    Send comments on this specimen record

Da- ^W wv
flora of Brazil
Prov. Bahia, CEPLAC Forest
Reserve, near sea level* (Caeau
plantation, reverted to forest)«
Tree dm x 15cm. Bark fissured
in narrow suberous pieces.
Branched from near base* Leaves
with terminal bud, not growing*
Young fruit on the smaller
branches* Twigs pale brown9
without lenticels* Young fruit
pale green-brown, tapering
gradually to base*
Coll* T.D* Pennington & T* Santos
No* 10166	1*3.1978
Quarea sp* W Bilheiro