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Mntfy 4, 1931.
Mr. Mm .7«' Sandwith,
loyal Satanic Gardens,
Dear Hr*
At toe risk of toiae eonaidered & terrible nuisance, 1 am going
to »A- yon aaaa east« for anotbir oiece of infoona&tton on yoar Herbarium.
VIU yon be good «Ms^t to tai» to Le&ndra 7i?ttQtCd?(r!LXXflOék^ which is Spe-
cie« Ho. IH, aná examine the ^mibImmb of iqpruico Ke* ¡3045 ae to the pur-
boeocace on the upper aide of the leaf* X give yam below fear descriptions
Of leaf pubescence, among whitíft yon may fiad one «blob applies to- year
specimen. If yen «Sil tell a» which one of toaae four descriptions agrees
with yoar specimen X shall then be able to apply that naae correctly to
cortesía planta in oar SwAiurtbBBfca
U Leaves almost glabrous ahora between the prbe^al veins,
the hairs, If any, short, stoat, subulate, and all alficej their
Isagto rawly exceeds 0,3 iaa*
2* Pubescence of the «gper 1®** surface, between the primary
reins, distinctly dlaoxphlc, the wall hairs about 0*3 an. long and
0.1 am* apart» the la«ge hairs aboat 0*6-0.8 an« long and 1 mu apart*
3* Upper leaf surface heavily pubeeeent with brownish hairs of
wear uneven length xaagtng from 0«3«3*& on* The longer ones are only
about 1 am» apart a«*» coneeqaently» freely owexlsgpSag
4» Upper last anrface sparsely pilose« the hairs curred-aseonding
and yellowish, mostly about 1 toa* loa® and nearly or flit# 1 an* apart*
'1m thia oaae tu* calyx is w«ry densely a«team with brSgfrlKiOlaraa» pale
brown or almost etaw-colored bail«« much longer than toe sepals and
mat glendaler* ¿	*
After bwmlantag yon with ail thie scientific natter, X rentare to
add ¿sat a short statement of «y «osle Airing the last tore© months, aa a
ganara! matter «IT botanical awit X devoted almost to« whole time to atady
of to* Killip A Smith collections fim Peru, and have the Msalaa« all
finished except the cum Tococa and three species of Leandra* X hope be-
fore long to a&tsapt a nwn»grwgh of the gsnaa Tococa.
She dapt tonteo of yaar collection in British Qnlana «cm duly re-
ceived ««ft hacre already been laid tito the Bsxtariaa* 1» appreciated them
anjr much, mat only because of toa careful study which yam had given them
hat alee far the excellent quality of the specimens* X hopa yoa «HI haws
another opportunity to go ooaaafeare Into toe tropica and toat wo may profit
from your collections agola*
le asm aaa planning an extensive trip lato eoathera Venewaela with
ar aesistant. Hr* Smith, aa too botanist, to leave hare about Jngast 1st aad
retara about May 1, 1932* the trip is contingent on getting eaou£k money
fS* ita sappart hat too prospects now seem very bright*
Kindly gif« nor regards to asy of ay Kew friends If the opportunity
arisen, aad lot a» hear from yon occasionally.
Tery truly yours,
Expedition of 1929, under the Marshall Field, Jr. Fund