Filed As
Leandra -
NY Barcode: 3214065
Occurrence ID: 93b310a5-9c79-47db-8c5f-d38d666d6f90
All Determinations
Location Notes
[South America]
Mntfy 4, 1931. Mr. Mm .7«' Sandwith, loyal Satanic Gardens, Dear Hr* At toe risk of toiae eonaidered & terrible nuisance, 1 am going to »A- yon aaaa east« for anotbir oiece of infoona&tton on yoar Herbarium. VIU yon be good «Ms^t to tai» to Le&ndra 7i?ttQtCd?(r!LXXflOék^ which is Spe- cie« Ho. IH, aná examine the ^mibImmb of iqpruico Ke* ¡3045 ae to the pur- boeocace on the upper aide of the leaf* X give yam below fear descriptions Of leaf pubescence, among whitíft yon may fiad one «blob applies to- year specimen. If yen «Sil tell a» which one of toaae four descriptions agrees with yoar specimen X shall then be able to apply that naae correctly to cortesía planta in oar SwAiurtbBBfca U Leaves almost glabrous ahora between the prbe^al veins, the hairs, If any, short, stoat, subulate, and all alficej their Isagto rawly exceeds 0,3 iaa* 2* Pubescence of the «gper 1®** surface, between the primary reins, distinctly dlaoxphlc, the wall hairs about 0*3 an. long and 0.1 am* apart» the la«ge hairs aboat 0*6-0.8 an« long and 1 mu apart* 3* Upper leaf surface heavily pubeeeent with brownish hairs of wear uneven length xaagtng from 0«3«3*& on* The longer ones are only about 1 am» apart a«*» coneeqaently» freely owexlsgpSag 4» Upper last anrface sparsely pilose« the hairs curred-aseonding and yellowish, mostly about 1 toa* loa® and nearly or flit# 1 an* apart* '1m thia oaae tu* calyx is w«ry densely a«team with brSgfrlKiOlaraa» pale brown or almost etaw-colored bail«« much longer than toe sepals and mat glendaler* ¿ * After bwmlantag yon with ail thie scientific natter, X rentare to add ¿sat a short statement of «y «osle Airing the last tore© months, aa a ganara! matter «IT botanical awit X devoted almost to« whole time to atady of to* Killip A Smith collections fim Peru, and have the Msalaa« all finished except the cum Tococa and three species of Leandra* X hope be- fore long to a&tsapt a nwn»grwgh of the gsnaa Tococa. She dapt tonteo of yaar collection in British Qnlana «cm duly re- ceived ««ft hacre already been laid tito the Bsxtariaa* 1» appreciated them anjr much, mat only because of toa careful study which yam had given them hat alee far the excellent quality of the specimens* X hopa yoa «HI haws another opportunity to go ooaaafeare Into toe tropica and toat wo may profit from your collections agola* le asm aaa planning an extensive trip lato eoathera Venewaela with ar aesistant. Hr* Smith, aa too botanist, to leave hare about Jngast 1st aad retara about May 1, 1932* the trip is contingent on getting eaou£k money fS* ita sappart hat too prospects now seem very bright* Kindly gif« nor regards to asy of ay Kew friends If the opportunity arisen, aad lot a» hear from yon occasionally. Tery truly yours, Htt-HS I PLANTS OF PERU / Expedition of 1929, under the Marshall Field, Jr. Fund 03214065
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