Parthenium hysterophorus L.

Herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden
Houma* La#, Aug*27,1911
Prof .J.K» Small,
Bedford Bark* N„Y.Cityt
Dear Sir;-
Please pardon me for intruding on your valuable time but I
would like to ask a smallfavor of you» 1 would like for you to Identi-
fy and furnish me with name of enclosed plant* which is in the midst
of its flowering season Just now«. Itseems to be a member of the composé
tine family but I have been unable to identify it either with your
"Flora of the Southeastern States11 or other works 1 have* It is qu
quite #ommon in this neighborhood on roadsides and all open places,
attaining a heighth of about three feet but sometimes grows a little
taller» It is a much branched plant and the extremities of allof its torn
branches are covered wi$$ the star shaped flowers» The specimen I enxi
close is one of the branohes taken from the main stem and * also enclose
a leaf from the main stem» If you will identify this plant for mer^olr
will confer a great favor and 1 wfc&l not trouble you in this way any '
more« Trusting that you will grant this req$e*t from an admirer of
yours and your great work on the plants of the S E United States, 1
beg to remain,
Host respectfully yours
Address; B*CUWurzlowv
P#0*Box 667
Parish of Terrebonne* La»