Rubus phoenicolasius Maxim.

Rosaceae Rubusphoencolasius Maxim.
det. M. Nee, 2010
West Virginia, Fayette Co., gorge of Kanawha River,
around private campground, NE side of Kanawha River,
Hwy. 60, 1 km SE of bridge at Gauley Bridge.
38°09’N, 810ll’W. alt. 200 m.
Very steep slopes with deciduous forest, along and above
the railroad grade.
Leaves whitened beneath. Glandular hairs red, especially
conspicuous on the calyx. Primocanes 2 m. long, tail-
arching. Floricanes lower.
Coll.: M. Nee 57162	15 June 2010