Macleania smithiana Luteyn

  • Filed As

    Macleania smithiana Luteyn

  • Collector(s)

    Collector unknown CM54 with Carolina Murcia, Aug. 1985

  • Location

    Colombia. Valle del Cauca. Mun. de Darien, Riveras del Lago Calima.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 2604045

    Occurrence ID: 504503c6-a1df-42e7-8dd6-06abc161e57b

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country


  • State/Province

    Valle del Cauca

  • Locality

    Mun. de Darien, Riveras del Lago Calima.

  • Elevation

    Alt. 1600 m. (5249 ft.)

  • Distribution

    Map all specimens of this taxon

MacjbttsEd-a pentaptera Hoerold
det, Luteyn 1985
Valle: Mpio. de Darien,	del Lago
Calxma, 1600 m.
Shrub 2.5 m fclgh formed by erect long woody
llioiBi 4il open areas. Leaves ¡¡aare
breakable, shiny dark green on the flee and
dull and lighter <£& the back- Young leave®'
¿ark pink (slamon) with green veins and
pubescent on ll#ih sides. Calyx and corolla
idWb a	pubescence. Distal
opening of corolla apple-green filth a white
pubescence in, the	pafiG»
Carolina Murcia CM54
Aug 1985