Ocotea cernua (Nees) Mez

Family: Lauraceae
Oo*> fgtx	,
Ocr^vwo-- (Met- s.I,
Aek.\ (4-, \Tacy\ (fr&r- Uior-ff Cptoa), 1^^
Department of Beni
Province of Cercado
Laguna Suarez, approximately 5 km S.E. of the city of
Trinidad. Elevation: ca. 160 meters.
Shrubby, understory tree. Frequent.
Spicy scent present in the twigs and
foliage. Fruits: pale green. Habitat:
seasonally inundated gallery forest
along the edge of the lake.
Location: the S.W. end of the
system; center of the collecting area
S. 14°53'22" X W.64°53'22"
June 17, 1996	#3308
Collected by: Nur Ritter & Martha Ritter