Eschweilera micrantha (O.Berg) Miers

  • Filed As

    Eschweilera micrantha (O.Berg) Miers

  • Collector(s)

    J.-J. de Granville B.5264

  • Location

    French Guiana. Cayenne. Sur la rivière comté, 1 km en aval du village Etienne.

  • Description

    Arbre de 15 m de hauteur 60 cm de Ø. Ecorce noire tachetée de blanc. Bois crème. Inflorescence à fleurs blanches et jaunes. Odeur agréable. Phenology of specimen: Flower.

  • Identifiers

    NY Barcode: 02239005

    Occurrence ID: d2bd95a8-8aec-4534-9758-11a24171dd13

  • Feedback

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  • Region

    South America

  • Country

    French Guiana

  • State/Province


  • Locality

    Sur la rivière comté, 1 km en aval du village Etienne.

  • Coordinates

    4.45821, -52.5484

  • Coordinate Uncertainty (m)


  • Georeferencing Method

    Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Version 2012. Referred to (, accessed 10/9/2015) and (, accessed 10/9/2015) for locality information for Etienne. Assumed Degrade Etienne to by synonymous with the "Etienne" stated in the locality description. "En aval" is translated to "downstream" from French to English. Georeferenced to an offset of approximately 1 km downstream from Degrade Etienne along the Comte River located in Cayenne, French Guiana. Used Google Maps – Earth View to locate the Comte River in Degrade Etienne. Used the Google Maps – Measure Distance Tool to measure approximately 1 km (1.00 km) downstream (northeastern direction) used the Google Maps – What's Here Tool to find the coordinates of the offset on the adjacent shore (collection assumed to be terrestrial). Used the Google Maps – Measure Distance Tool again to find the linear extent of the starting location, the shore of Dégrad Etienne, by measuring from the approximate geographic center of the shore (at: 4.452089, -52.553895) to the approximate geographic center of the shore of the nearest named place along the Comte River, Yaoni (, accessed 10/9/2015), then halving this distance (3.44 km). Input coordinates, coordinate source (locality description), datum (WGS84), coordinate precision (0.00001 degrees), extent of named place (3.44 km), and measurement error (0.01 km) into the MaNIS Georeferencing Calculator to find uncertainty radius (according to the Georeferencing Quick Reference Guide, Offset: Offset along a path). Converted final uncertainty radius to meters.

  • Geodetic Datum


  • Distribution

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