Siparuna guianensis Aubl.

The New York Botanical Garden
Plants of BRASIL : /hwc, zohh*
Siparuna	_(UJ.
fid- aJjU? i f ?f’/
Mun. de Manaus, Distrito Agropecudrio da SUFRAMA,
Rodovia BR 174, km 64, then 23 km east on ZF3,
Fazenda Esteio.
02°24’S, 59°52’ W.
Projeto Dinamica Biol6gica de Fragmentos Florestais
Secondary growth and abandoned pastures between camp
Colosso and camp Florestal.
Shrub 4 m. tall; crushed foliage unpleasantly
aromatic. Fruit green, then wine red, at least on
the insolated side.
Voucher for wood specimen, MADw 46967.
Coll.: M. Nee 42354
29 Jan. 1992