Physalis greenmanii Waterf.

^„Y.°.?K.?PTAN|CAL garden
Austin College Herbarium» Sherman» Texas Plants of MEXICO
P h y s a 1 i s ¿/ 00 sv\A. dst/i ¡a
Hs^r. m.. / ¿9 9 o OAXACA: Along road between Mitla and Zacatepec» 30 km by
road E NE of Ayutla» Just E of intersection with road
to Totontepec. Qu ercus-Podocarous forest
with Ar b u t u s ? Comarostaohvl i s» and Gaul theri
Corollas pale yellow with 5 clusters of brown dots;
anthers bluish-green.
17*08'N 96*04'W Elev.: ca. 2500 m 22 June 1986
Coll.: George Diggs et al.	No.: 3920
Austin College Expedition to Mexico and 6uatenala, Sumer 1986 Participants: 6. Diggs, Rose Diggs, Carlyle 6reenfied, Dave Severinson