Swartzia xanthopetala Sandwith

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Swamu leioRjTie (Sandvith) Cowan
Hichurd S. Cowan
?,-w WTW.iCAi <.*hOC':
De<. 3 M. Torkc (MO). 2005
h »>€ ^ sIa^* 2.Z $24
British Guiaua, ForeBt Department - Ifew Tort Botanical Garden
Plurls of the l'otaro Hiver Corge, British Guiana
No. 23J26
Swertzia I'randi^0!!* Bong,
var. l«Sfcme S,indK«
l)et* by G. J. H. Aoshoff
Rare tree to 1U m» hiph, 25 on# diaru; flower
buds golden, caulifloroua; hi*»h mistu<i forest,
]>. B. J?aH'»iiawk	Mfiy
¿¿rpedlitw financed in purl aid /ram I ho JwWmj* ¡‘htiosophUal
Goa'tty, (At Join Si/rum	Mn*or>ai J"'atrailiiUon
'	^r, Pierre J<‘9