Swartzia xanthopetala Sandwith

Institute of Systematic Botany, Utrecht (U)
Swartzia	o^-Avo,
:?,Af*7Tr/ce fnoj 2ooS
Oet. J.C. Lindeman
05 15N 058 45 W	Alt. 0-100 m
Waraputa compartment, ca. 25 km S of Mabura.
Along road« in mixed forest with much Dicymbe aitsonii
[Clump waiiabal.
Tree, 10*12 m high, dbh 8 cm. Bark smooth, bark with
dark red exudate. Leaves arid young branches blackish
hairy. Upoer side of leal shiny, lower side dull.
Caulifloious. Fruits unripe, 20-50 cm long, constricted
between the seeds, shiny light green. Persistent calyx
red-brown velutinous outside. Seed light yellow,
anllate; arN sulphurous yellow, granular, somewhat
Separate! wood (UW 34066); seeds in ale.
M. Polak
S. fiobberts
nr 16
f 9-8- f 990