Swartzia leiocalycina Benth.

leiocalycina Benth,
« B./1- 7*rke fto) zocf-
Det M. Polak 1991	1
05 15 N 058 45 W	Alt. 0-100 m
Seballi Compartment. 3 km S of Mabura Hill.
Mixed forest« with Ocotea rodiaei IGraenheart],
Clathrotropis brachypetaia (Arcmataj.
Tree, ca 20 m high. Base buttressed; buttresses ca. 2-3
m high, steep, narrow, concave. Bark grey-brown,
lenticellate, irregularly flaky, inner bark with sticky,
red exudate. Sap wood light brown, haa/t woedark
purple. Leaves brown below. Flower buds green. Petal and
stamens yellow.
Separate: wood IUW 34155); flowers in ale.; slides bark,
slash, infl., flowers 1U)
M. Polak	nr 233