Displaying 1 - 9 out of 9 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance L. C. Anderson 6370 23 May 1983 United States of America Georgia Thomas Co. Behind church on… 617714 Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance A. F. Skutch 3573 Feb 1938 Costa Rica Vara Blanca de Sarapiquí, north… isotype 405975 Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance A. Jiménez M. 811 23 Jun 1963 Costa Rica Alajuela Finca La Selva, San Rafael… 617713
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance 3477338 Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance A. C. Cervi 6431 18 Nov 1997 Brazil Paraná Foz do Iguaçu Mun. Parque… 617753 Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance E. M. Zardini 34155 14 Dec 1992 Paraguay Central Asuncion. Elsa's home 617716
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance S. G. Tressens 6387 02 Sep 1999 Argentina Misiones Guaraní (Dept.). Predio Guarani. Vivienda… 617717
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance G. G. Hatschbach 23165 08 Dec 1969 Brazil Paraná Foz do Iguaçu Mun. Parque… 617715 Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance
Hydrocotyle bowlesioides Mathias & Constance 5107254