Displaying 1 - 25 out of 644 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Allart 132 Oct 1924 Venezuela Las Queseras, cerca de Caracas. 3933854 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Alvarez de Zayas 63861 10 May 1988 Cuba Granma Buey Arriba: Alrededores del poblado… 01841227 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. B. Ghiesbreght 405 1864 - 1870 Mexico Chiapas 3928024 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Balch s.n. 1884 - 1885 Jamaica Kingston and Vicinity 1841299 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. C. Smith 3013 08 Jan 1938 - 22 Jan 1938 Guyana British Guiana, Basin of Shodikar… 3933832 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Campos V. 1195 22 Jan 1988 Mexico Oaxaca San Juan Lachao Mun. Loc.… 3927989 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Campos V. 1293 20 Feb 1988 Mexico Oaxaca San Jerónimo Coatlán Mun. 13… 3927988 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. Á. Cogollo Pacheco 7921 07 Dec 1993 Colombia Antioquia Urrao Mun. Vereda Calles. Parque… 01395357 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. D. A. Fay 2016 19 Jun 1989 Bolivia La Paz Nor Yungas Prov. Roadside, 38.3km… 815672 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Duss 1537 1883 Martinique Sur les arbres et vieilles… 1841053 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Duss 1537 1883 Martinique Forets de la Grand Anse. 1841054 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Duss 4289 1894 Guadeloupe Vieux-Habitants. 1841051 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Duss 4289 Sep 1895 - Oct 1895 Guadeloupe Bouillante (hab. Malu), Vieux Habitants… 1841055 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Clewell 3041 16 Feb 1972 Honduras Francisco Morazán (La Tigra), ca 10 km… 3928063 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. M. Glaziou 457 04 Jan 1866 Brazil Rio de Janeiro Corcovado. 815668 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Regnell 294 Brazil Rio de Janeiro 815671 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Rojas Alvarado 3920 11 Nov 1997 Costa Rica Alajuela San Ramon (Canton). Cuenca del… 3928090 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Skutch 3135 Jul 1937 - Sep 1937 Costa Rica Vara Blanca de Sarapiqui, north… 3928135 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Smith F67 06 Sep 1937 Costa Rica Zarcero 3928126 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Tryon 7397 01 Jan 1978 Puerto Rico Toro Negro, ca. 50 km.… 989619 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. F. Tryon 7413 02 Jan 1978 Puerto Rico Monte Jayuya, near Cerro de… 989643 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. Fenyes 39 1895 Portugal Madeira 3934479 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. H. Liogier 10045 18 Jul 1963 Puerto Rico Adjuntas Pico Guilarte. 989641 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. H. Liogier 17179 09 Dec 1969 Dominican Republic La Vega Los Guanos, along Yaque and… 1841357 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. A. H. Liogier 19950 09 Aug 1974 Dominican Republic Monseñor Nouel Firme de Banilejo, Piedra Blanca. 1841335 Trichomanes radicans Sw.