Displaying 51 - 75 out of 644 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Trichomanes radicans Sw. E. Matuda 4270 25 Jun 1941 Mexico Chiapas Escuintla Mun. Pico de Loro,… 3928026 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 24925 27 Apr 1972 Mexico Chiapas Cintalapa Mun. Southeast of Cerro… 3928022 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 34688 01 May 1973 Mexico Chiapas Larráinzar Mun. Near Summit of… 3928012 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 23180 12 Dec 1971 Mexico Chiapas Rayón Mun. In the Selva… 3928018 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 22664 17 Nov 1971 Mexico Chiapas Motozintla Mun. 45-50 km northeast… 3928017 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 19945 28 Sep 1971 Mexico Chiapas Jitotol Mun. about 12 km… 3928019 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 21478 28 Oct 1971 Mexico Chiapas Jitotol Mun. Rain Forest about… 3928020 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. E. Breedlove 29454 12 Nov 1972 Mexico Chiapas Unión Juárez Mun. Canyons on… 3928016 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. B. T. Gittins 4221 20 Aug 1967 Mexico Chiapas Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán Mun. 11.2… 3928028 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. B. T. Gittins 4153 10 Aug 1967 Mexico Chiapas Pueblo Nuevo Solistahuacán Mun. 9.4… 3928029 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. W. Thomas 3668 29 May 1985 Mexico Chiapas Acacoyagua Mun. Mt. Ovando, trail… 3928013 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. E. M. Martínez Salas 22164 18 Dec 1987 Mexico Chiapas Unión Juárez Mun. A 1… 3928023 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. E. M. Martínez Salas 21509 01 Jun 1987 Mexico Chiapas En reserva El Triunfo. 3928030 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. E. M. Martínez Salas 21514 01 Jun 1987 Mexico Chiapas En reserva El Triunfo. 3928031 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. E. M. Martínez Salas 22164 18 Dec 1987 Mexico Chiapas Unión Juárez Mun. A 1… 3928032 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. S. Correll 23080 14 Oct 1959 - 15 Oct 1959 Mexico Chihuahua conifer forest near La Rocha,… 3928148 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. D. S. Correll 23088 14 Oct 1959 - 15 Oct 1959 Mexico Chihuahua conifer forest near La Rocha,… 3928149 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. J. D. Dwyer 8776 20 Jul 1968 Panama Chiriquí Boquete (Distr.). Cerro Horqueta 3928138 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. C. von Hagen 2144 22 Jul 1940 Panama Chiriquí Boquete Region. Cerro Horqueta. 3928142 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. C. von Hagen 2144 22 Jul 1940 Panama Chiriquí Boquete Region. Cerro Horqueta. 3928143 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. P. H. Allen 1424 14 Jan 1939 Panama Chiriquí Trail from Cerro Punta to… 3928144 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. J. D. Dwyer 8780 20 Jul 1968 Panama Chiriquí Cerro Horqueta 3928139 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. T. B. Croat 10581 30 May 1970 Panama Chiriquí Between Bambito and Cerro Punta. 3928140 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. T. B. Croat 37074 14 Jul 1976 Panama Chiriquí Cerro Colorado, along road above… 3928146 Trichomanes radicans Sw.
Trichomanes radicans Sw. F. S. Axelrod 4849 12 Jul 1992 Puerto Rico Ciales Los Tres Picachos, up E… 989615 Trichomanes radicans Sw.