Displaying 1 - 25 out of 457 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Rhyncholacis oligandra Wedd. R. Spruce 2489 Oct 1852-Jan 1853 Brazil Prope Panure ad Rio Uaupés. isotype 387827 Rhyncholacis oligandra Wedd.
Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx. J. B. Nelson 17409 04 Jul 1996 United States of America South Carolina Richland Co. N side of… 190209 Podostemum ceratophyllum Michx.
Rhyncholacis crassipes Wedd. R. Spruce 2720 Oct 1852-Jan 1853 Brazil Prope Panure ad Rio Uaupés. isotype 387825 Rhyncholacis crassipes Wedd.
Marathrum squamosum Wedd. R. Spruce 3102 1853-1854 Brazil Prope San Carlos, ad Rio… isotype 387813 Marathrum squamosum Wedd.
Podostemum undulatum var. angustifolium P.Royen P. Jorgensen 4949 1932 Paraguay On rock in a waterfall… isotype 73862 Podostemum undulatum var. angustifolium P.Royen
Weddellina uaupensis Benth. & Hook.f. R. Spruce 2782 Oct 1852-Jan 1853 Brazil Prope Panure ad Rio Uaupés. possible type 387832 Weddellina uaupensis Benth. & Hook.f.
Marathrum utile Tul. W. Purdie s.n. s.d. [filed at NY under South… type 387815 Marathrum utile Tul.
Marathrum utile Tul. W. Purdie s.n. s.d. Colombia New Granada. isotype 387816 Marathrum utile Tul.
Rhyncholacis varians var. tricholoba Spruce R. Spruce 2749 Oct 1852-Jan 1853 Brazil Prope Panure, ad Rio Uaupés. isotype 387830 Rhyncholacis varians var. tricholoba Spruce
Mourera fluviatilis Aubl. W. Milliken 550 15 Aug 1987 Brazil Roraima SEMA Ecological Reserva, Ilha de… 777811 Mourera fluviatilis Aubl.
Monostylis capillacea Tul. R. Spruce s.n. Aug 1850 Brazil Pará In vicinibus Santarem. isotype 387817 Monostylis capillacea Tul.
Dicrae wightii Tul. Herb. Wight 928 s.d. India Hinterindien [filed at NY under… type 387804 Dicrae wightii Tul.
Rhyncholacis varians Wedd. R. Spruce 2488 Oct 1852-Jan 1853 Brazil Prope Panure, ad Rio Uaupés. isotype 387829 Rhyncholacis varians Wedd.
Mourera weddelliana Tul. M. Weddell 2320 s.d. Brazil Rio Tocantins. possible type 387819 Mourera weddelliana Tul.
Mourera weddelliana Tul. M. Weddell 2320 1844 Brazil Bords du Rio Tocantins. possible type 387820 Mourera weddelliana Tul.
Mourera weddelliana Tul. M. Weddell 2320 s.d. Brazil In [sp?] fluminis Tocantins. possible type 387818 Mourera weddelliana Tul.
Lacis membranacea Bong. L. Riedel 391 s.d. Brazil Guayandaba isotype 387805 Lacis membranacea Bong.
Rhyncholacis linearis Tul. R. Spruce 2272 Jan-Aug 1852 Brazil Amazonas Prope San [São] Gabriel da… isotype 387826 Rhyncholacis linearis Tul.
Ceratolacis pedunculatum C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang C. T. Philbrick 5679 16 Jul 2001 Brazil Minas Gerais Rio Pará, along BR-262, on… isotype 803741 Ceratolacis pedunculatum C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang
Diamantina lombardii C.T.Philbrick & Irgang C. T. Philbrick 5647 08 Jul 2001 Brazil Minas Gerais Rio de Peixe. 1.3 km.… isotype 803742 Diamantina lombardii C.T.Philbrick & Irgang
Cipoia inserta C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang C. T. Philbrick 5659 13 Jul 2001 Brazil Minas Gerais Rio Manhuaçu. Ca. 10 km.… isotype 803743 Cipoia inserta C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang
Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo J. C. Lindeman 1151 01 May 1966 Brazil Paraná In rapids in Rio Chopim,… 686587 Podostemum irgangii C.T.Philbrick & Novelo
Ceratolacis pedunculatum C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang C. T. Philbrick 5761 28 Jul 2002 Brazil Minas Gerais 30 km. N of Corinto… 00918685 Ceratolacis pedunculatum C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang
Ceratolacis pedunculatum C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang C. T. Philbrick 5781 03 Aug 2002 Brazil Minas Gerais Rio Pará. Along BR-262, on… 00918686 Ceratolacis pedunculatum C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang
Cipoia inserta C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang C. T. Philbrick 5639 08 Jul 2001 Brazil Minas Gerais West side of Parque National… 00918687 Cipoia inserta C.T.Philbrick, Novelo & Irgang