Displaying 1 - 25 out of 7968 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Jasminum magentae Guillaumin I. Franc 2232 New Caledonia isotype 297233 Jasminum magentae Guillaumin
Linociera racemosa Merr. 05076004 Linociera racemosa Merr.
Fraxinus remusoides A.Nelson A. Nelson 1925 15 May 1935 United States of America Arizona Gila Co. Tonto Basin possible type 297193 Fraxinus remusoides A.Nelson
Forestiera tomentosa S.Watson C. G. Pringle 3021 21 May 1889 Mexico Jalisco Near Guadalajara syntype 297171 Forestiera tomentosa S.Watson
Forestiera pubescens Nutt. T. Nuttall United States of America Red River, vicinity of Fort… possible type 297164 Forestiera pubescens Nutt.
Olea cuspidata Wall. ex G.Don 5076271 Olea cuspidata Wall. ex G.Don
Fraxinus velutina Torr. E. O. Wooton 432 01 Sep 1897 United States of America New Mexico Doña Ana Co. Organ Mountains 2501654 Fraxinus velutina Torr.
Fraxinus smallii Britton J. K. Small 02 Aug 1895 United States of America Georgia Gwinnett Co. Yellow River, near… holotype 297195 Fraxinus smallii Britton
Linociera leutirioii Merr. E. Leuterio 25926 Jun 1916 Philippines Bulacan Luzon possible type 297271 Linociera leutirioii Merr.
Jasminum dispermum Wall. N. Wallich 2886a 1821 Nepal possible type 297217 Jasminum dispermum Wall.
Fraxinus americana var. profunda Bush B. F. Bush 89 11 Sep 1893 United States of America Missouri Dunklin Co. possible type 297180 Fraxinus americana var. profunda Bush
Jasminum pubescens var. velutinum Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze 5960 Indonesia Java: Bromo type 297240 Jasminum pubescens var. velutinum Kuntze
Jasminum pubescens var. velutinum Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze 5960 Indonesia Java: Bromo type 297241 Jasminum pubescens var. velutinum Kuntze
Fraxinus dipetala var. trifoliolata Torr. C. C. Parry s.n. 1850 Mexico Baja California Lower California, lat. 32° holotype 312050 Fraxinus dipetala var. trifoliolata Torr.
Nestegis sandwicencis (A.Gray) O.Deg. G. J. Ray 1023 6/11/98 United States of America Hawaii Hawaiiloa Trail 89561
Forestiera segregata var. stenocarpa Krug & Urb. H. F. A. von Eggers 4055 18 Feb 1888 Bahamas Hog Island syntype 110954 Forestiera segregata var. stenocarpa Krug & Urb.
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. D. Skean Jr. 1954 26 Jul 1986 United States of America Florida Highlands Co. On Maxcy Road… 37891 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. K. Small 9970 23 May 1921 United States of America Florida Highlands Co. South of Avon… 37894 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. K. Small 10862 15 Apr 1923 United States of America Florida Highlands Co. About Lake Jackson 37896 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. K. Small 11357 30 Apr 1924 United States of America Florida Highlands Co. East of Sebring 37897 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. K. Small s.n. 30 Aug 1922-31 Aug 1922 United States of America Florida Highlands Co. Between Avon Park… 37898 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. K. Small 12633 20 May 1925 United States of America Florida Along Indian Prairee near Lake… 37899 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. H. Barnhart 2519 11 Mar 1898 United States of America Florida Pasco Co. 37903 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Chionanthus pygmaeus Small J. B. McFarlin 8110 30 Jul 1934 United States of America Florida Highlands Co. Lake Jackson Subdivision,… 37904 Chionanthus pygmaeus Small
Jasminum multipetalum Merr. R. Si Toroes 371 Feb 1928-Mar 1928 Indonesia Sumatra: General region of Marbau,… type 297234 Jasminum multipetalum Merr.