Displaying 26 - 50 out of 100 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 3826 28-Dec-66 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. Road Manaus-Caracaraí, km… 1147574 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 4887 30-May-68 Brazil Amazonas Manaus-Itacoatiara Road, Km 214. Primary… 1147548 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 4911 30-May-68 Brazil Amazonas Manaus-Itacoatiara Road, Km. 207. Forest… 1147577 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 4991 5-Jun-68 Brazil Amazonas Rio Urubu, between Cachoeira Iracema… 1147578 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 5491 03 Jul 1968 Brazil Rondônia Track between Mutumparaná and rio… 1147575 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 6287 25-Jul-68 Brazil Rondônia 1 Km north of Riberão,… 1147579 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 10080 19-Feb-69 Brazil Roraima Serra dos Surucucus; vicinity of… 1147506 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 10161 21-Feb-69 Brazil Roraima Serra dos Surucucus NW of… 1147505 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 10759 28-Feb-71 Brazil Roraima Vicinity of Uaicá airstrip, rio… 1147504 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 10963 14-Mar-71 Brazil Roraima Vicinity of Mucajaí airstrip. Forest… 1147507 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 11037 16-Mar-71 Brazil Roraima Forest on terra firme. 1147508 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 11452 26-Jan-71 Brazil Amazonas Manaus-Igarapé Leão Road, 5 Km… 1147527 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 11786 13 Apr 1971 Brazil Acre Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Estrada… 865697 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 12335 23 Apr 1971 Brazil Acre Mâncio Lima Mun. Vicinity of… 865696 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 13431 20-Jun-71 Brazil Amazonas Rio Purus between Lago Quati… 1147525 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 13981 29-Jun-71 Brazil Amazonas South east of Lábrea. Forest… 1147568 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 14968 27-Sep-71 Brazil Amazonas Rio Cuieiras just below mouth… 1147576 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 15382 18-Oct-71 Brazil Amazonas North of Rio Negro 2… 1147567 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 18774 30-Aug-73 Brazil Amazonas Estrada do Aleixo, grounds of… 1147514 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 19970 2-Dec-73 Brazil Roraima Rio Uraricoera, vicinity of Uaicá… 1147503 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 20483 13-Mar-74 Brazil Amazonas BR 319, Manaus-Porto Velho Road,… 1147519 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 20700 18-Mar-74 Brazil Amazonas Manaus-Porto Velho Highway; open disturbed… 1147518 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 24140 26-Oct-76 Brazil Amazonas Rio Curaçá, 8 miles above… 1147532 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 58770 Brazil Pará 1147513 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.
Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv. G. T. Prance 58923 Brazil Pará 1147573 Ichnanthus panicoides P.Beauv.