Displaying 151 - 175 out of 262 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Croton flavens L. L. M. Underwood 654 14 Jun 1901 - 22 Jul 1901 Puerto Rico Yauco 969326 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. F. R. Fosberg 53994 16 Jan 1972 Virgin Islands (U.S.) Saint Croix Northeast corner of Southgate Pond. 969351 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. F. R. Fosberg 54108 23 Jan 1972 Virgin Islands (U.S.) Saint Croix Just west of Corn Hill,… 1426158 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. F. R. Fosberg 54107 23 Jan 1972 Virgin Islands (U.S.) Saint Croix Just west of Corn Hill,… 1426159 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. A. Duss 120 Dec 1902 Antigua and Barbuda Antigua, [illegible words] 1387330 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. B. M. Boom 10014 05 Jan 1991 Puerto Rico Guánica Reserva Forestal Guánica. 969228 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. B. M. Boom 6957 06 Jan 1987 Puerto Rico Guánica Guánica Forest, near main ranger… 969227 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. E. P. Killip 21037 29 Mar 1927 Curaçao near sea level 1387242 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. E. P. Killip 21049 29 Mar 1927 Curaçao near sea level 1387245 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. T. B. Croat 61045 8 Apr 1985 Virgin Islands (U.S.) Saint Croix Along scenic road, Hwy. 78,… 1426157 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. 3978892 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. 3978895 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. 3978897 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. F. L. Stevens 2063 18 May 1913 Puerto Rico Quebradillas 969294 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. I. Boldingh 7340 1909 - 1910 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Bonaire [no locality] 1387236 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. S. A. Mori 26964 10 Mar 2007 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Saba Along North Coast Trail from… 01481962 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. S. A. Mori 26686 04 Mar 2007 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Saba SE corner of island. Giles… 01481945 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. S. A. Mori 26687 04 Mar 2007 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Saba SE corner of island. Giles… 01481946 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. S. A. Mori 26764 06 Mar 2007 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Saba St. John's. Thais Hill. 01481947 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. S. A. Mori 26074 11 Aug 2006 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Saba The Bottom. 00866414 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. I. Boldingh 582 1906 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Sint Eustatius [no locality] 1387320 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. B. M. Boom 11299 4 Feb 2008 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Sint Eustatius Cul de Sac, on northwest-facing… 02066077 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. B. M. Boom 11115 31 Jan 2008 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Sint Eustatius Southeast corner of island, Botanical… 02099951 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. R. Howard 18135 1 Dec 1973 Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba Saba dry valley leading from bottom… 1387224 Croton flavens L.
Croton flavens L. R. Howard 10812 7 Mar 1950 Grenada Southern Grenadine Islands Carriacou 1387246 Croton flavens L.