Displaying 51 - 75 out of 14278 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Justicia monachinoi Wassh. J. J. Wurdack 39978 19 Dec 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Piedra Marimare, east bank of… isotype 74307 Justicia monachinoi Wassh.
Justicia monachinoi Wassh. J. J. Wurdack 39978 19 Dec 1955 Venezuela Bolívar Piedra Marimare, east bank of… isotype 74308 Justicia monachinoi Wassh.
Beloperone velascana Lindau C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. Jul 1892 Bolivia Velasco type 311813 Beloperone velascana Lindau
Ruellia tubiflora f. caesiolineata Leonard M. L. Grant 10431 06 Oct 1944 Colombia Cundinamarca Cordillera Oriental: San Mateo, Gazaguan… isotype 312352 Ruellia tubiflora f. caesiolineata Leonard
Ruellia caroliniensis f. hypopsila Fernald M. L. Fernald 13148 14 Jun 1941 United States of America Virginia Surry Co. Along Blackwater River,… holotype 312280 Ruellia caroliniensis f. hypopsila Fernald
Habracanthus callianthus Leonard M. L. Grant 9011 13 Apr 1944 Colombia Cundinamarca Cordillera Oriental: 3 km. southwest… isotype 311980 Habracanthus callianthus Leonard
Stenandrium undulatum Urb. & Ekman E. L. Ekman H8437 13 Jun 1927 Haiti Massif du Nord, Ennery, top… isotype 115008 Stenandrium undulatum Urb. & Ekman
Stenandrium affine S.Moore S. L. M. Moore 588 1891-1892 Brazil Mato Grosso type 278287 Stenandrium affine S.Moore
Carlowrightia pringlei B.L.Rob. & Greenm. C. G. Pringle 6261 30 Nov 1895 Mexico Oaxaca Tomellin Canyon isotype 311854 Carlowrightia pringlei B.L.Rob. & Greenm.
Staurogyne alopecuroides Leonard F. W. Pennell 3983 24 Jan 1918 Colombia Bolívar Buenavista, east of Sincé. isotype 278272 Staurogyne alopecuroides Leonard
Stephanophysum asperulum var. hirsutulum Nees J. S. Blanchet 3284 s.d. Brazil Bahia Igreja Velha, prov. bahiens. isosyntype 278296 Stephanophysum asperulum var. hirsutulum Nees
Tetramerium obovatum T.F.Daniel T. B. MacDougall s.n. 10 Feb 1971 Mexico Oaxaca Tehuantepec. Las Aminas. holotype 278347 Tetramerium obovatum T.F.Daniel
Aphelandra golfodulcensis McDade A. F. Skutch 2573 Feb 1936 Costa Rica San José Vicinity of El General isotype 278887 Aphelandra golfodulcensis McDade
Haplanthera speciosa Hochst. G. H. W. Schimper 769 02 Oct 1838 Ethiopia Abyssinia: ad latera montium secus… isotype 311997 Haplanthera speciosa Hochst.
Asystasia gangetica f. coeruleo-viridula Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. Oct 1875 Malaysia Pulau Pinang Penang holotype 278942 Asystasia gangetica f. coeruleo-viridula Kuntze
Ruellia caroliniensis var. floridana Leonard N. L. Britton 162 24 Mar 1904 United States of America Florida Miami-Dade Co. Gossmans possible type 312278 Ruellia caroliniensis var. floridana Leonard
Dyschoriste xylopoda Kobuski C. G. Pringle 4442 19 Jul 1893 Mexico Jalisco Hills near Guadalajara type 311953 Dyschoriste xylopoda Kobuski
Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis Nees L. Riedel 796 Jun 1832 Brazil Macahé syntype 278292 Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis Nees
Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis Nees L. Riedel 796 Jun 1832 Brazil Macahé syntype 278293 Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis Nees
Orophochilus stipulaceus Lindau R. Spruce 4324 1855-1856 Peru Prope Tarapoto, Peruviae orientalis isotype 312235 Orophochilus stipulaceus Lindau
Teliostachya lanceolata Nees L. Riedel 1327 Jun 1833 Brazil Rio S. Joa syntype 278325 Teliostachya lanceolata Nees
Aphelandra speciosa Brandegee C. A. Purpus 6995 Jun 1914 Mexico Chiapas Finca Irlanda isotype 278892 Aphelandra speciosa Brandegee
Dicliptera batilliformis Leonard A. E. Lawrance 258 28 Jun 1932 Colombia Boyacá Region of Mt. Chapón, extreme… holotype 311918 Dicliptera batilliformis Leonard
Justicia spinigera Urb. & Ekman E. L. Ekman H7926 30 Mar 1927 Haiti Massif de la Hotte, group… isotype 114934 Justicia spinigera Urb. & Ekman
Hygrophila salicifolia f. pubescens Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze 3932 18 Mar 1874 Vietnam Cap St. James, type 312060 Hygrophila salicifolia f. pubescens Kuntze