Displaying 751 - 775 out of 46190 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Satureja bzybica Woronow A. A. Grossheim 586 20 Oct 1915 [Europe] Caucasus isotype 00415661 Satureja bzybica Woronow
Stachys viarum A.Heller A. A. Heller 8581 28 May 1907 United States of America California San Mateo Co. Back of… isotype 00380638 Stachys viarum A.Heller
Stachys viarum A.Heller A. A. Heller 8581 28 May 1907 United States of America California San Mateo Co. Back of… holotype 00415807 Stachys viarum A.Heller
Scutellaria violacea var. subglabra Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. Mar 1875 Cambodia "HinterIndien. Cambodgia." [= Cambodia] holotype 00415746 Scutellaria violacea var. subglabra Kuntze
Prunella vulgaris L. A. S. Ton 9802 15 Nov 1986 Mexico Chiapas Municipio San Cristobal de Las… 00527384
Prunella vulgaris L. H. T. Beck 1175 19 Jul 1990 United States of America New York Westmill Brook NY Dept. Env.… 00040374 Prunella vulgaris L.
Prunella vulgaris L. Y. S. Kuniyoshi 1375 Dec 1965 Brazil Paraná Bom Retiro - Curitiba 00527379 Prunella vulgaris L.
Salvia gachantivana Fern.Alonso J. L. Fernández Alonso 8217 12 Dec 1989 Colombia Boyacá Carretera de Villa de Leyva… isotype 00039327 Salvia gachantivana Fern.Alonso
Stachys quercetorum A.Heller A. A. Heller 8577 28 May 1907 United States of America California San Mateo Co. Above Crystal… type 00415795 Stachys quercetorum A.Heller
Stachys quercetorum A.Heller A. A. Heller 8577 28 May 1907 United States of America California San Mateo Co. Above Crystal… holotype 00415794 Stachys quercetorum A.Heller
Cantinoa carpinifolia (Benth.) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore L. Riedel 2320 Jun 1834 Brazil São Paulo Inter Batataes et Va. Franca. 00526959 Cantinoa carpinifolia (Benth.) Harley & J.F.B.Pastore
Orthosiphon stamineus Benth. J. B. Nelson 17872 15 Oct 1996 United States of America South Carolina Richland Co. Riverbanks Zoo &… 00190087
Salvia zacuapanensis Brandegee C. A. Purpus 1932 Aug 1906-Sep 1906 Mexico Veracruz Zacuapan. Barrauca de Teuampa. isotype 00000220 Salvia zacuapanensis Brandegee
Monardella involucrata A.Heller A. A. Heller s.n. 22 Jun 1903 United States of America California Monterey Co. On the Salinas… holotype 00429336 Monardella involucrata A.Heller
Scutellaria bushii Britton B. F. Bush 54 03 Jun 1890 United States of America Missouri Shannon Co. holotype 00415674 Scutellaria bushii Britton
Phlomis oreophila Kar. & Kir. G. S. Karelin 1831 1841 Kazakhstan In pratis subalpinis Alatau ad… isotype 00429378 Phlomis oreophila Kar. & Kir.
Salvia unicostata Fernald C. C. Parry 760 1878 Mexico San Luis Potosí Chiefly in the region of… isotype 00000216 Salvia unicostata Fernald
Rabdosia shikokiana (Makino) H.Hara 5137963
Monardella undulata var. frutescens Hoover R. F. Hoover 7289 10 Jul 1947 United States of America California San Luis Obispo Co. North… isotype 00429352 Monardella undulata var. frutescens Hoover
Hedeoma serpyllifolia Small A. A. Heller 1663 25 Apr 1894-30 Apr 1894 United States of America Texas Kerr Co. holotype 00000558 Hedeoma serpyllifolia Small
Hedeoma serpyllifolia Small A. A. Heller 1663 25 Apr 1894-30 Apr 1894 United States of America Texas Kerr Co. isotype 00000559 Hedeoma serpyllifolia Small
Hyptis macrosiphon Briq. C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. Jul 1892 Brazil Mato Grosso Mato Grosso holotype 00000660 Hyptis macrosiphon Briq.
Salvia moniliformis Fernald C. A. Purpus 1720 s.d. Mexico México Ixtaccihuatl; hillsides isotype 00000159 Salvia moniliformis Fernald
Stachys leibergii Rydb. J. B. Leiberg 1328 20 Jul 1895 United States of America Idaho Blue Creek, Coeur D'Alene Mountains isotype 00415789 Stachys leibergii Rydb.
Cymaria triphylla Backer C. A. Backer 28867 21 Apr 1919 Indonesia Sepandjang, Kangean Archipelago isotype fragment 00137491 Cymaria triphylla Backer