Displaying 7851 - 7875 out of 8528 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Parinari excelsa Sabine P. Gérard 4089 20 Jul 1959 Democratic Republic of the Congo Orientale Buta Bambesa 4792473 Parinari excelsa Sabine
Parinari curatellifolia subsp. mobola (Oliv.) R.A.Graham A. Huart 83 30 Jun 1959 Democratic Republic of the Congo Katanga Kalomba 4792466 Parinari curatellifolia subsp. mobola (Oliv.) R.A.Graham
Dactyladenia dinklagei (Engl.) Prance & F.White A. Enti R.1074 Jan 1973 Ghana Near Ancobre Ferry, Axim. 04792367 Dactyladenia dinklagei (Engl.) Prance & F.White
Parinari congoensis Engl. C. Vigne 3888 Jun 1935 Ghana Grube, Salaga Distr., N.T., Gold… 4792444 Parinari congoensis Engl.
Parinari congoensis Engl. F. H. E. A. W. Robyns 549 1925 Democratic Republic of the Congo Eala 4792443 Parinari congoensis Engl.
Magnistipula glaberrima Engl. G. M. P. C. Le Testu 6026 03 May 1928 Gabon Ngounyé 03341020 Magnistipula glaberrima Engl.
Magnistipula fleuryana (A.Chev.) Hauman G. M. P. C. Le Testu 9441 19 May 1936 Gabon Région entre Ogooué et Cameroun 04792403 Magnistipula fleuryana (A.Chev.) Hauman
Dactyladenia staudtii (Engl.) Prance & F.White J. M. Reitsma 2484 05 Nov 1986 Gabon Inventory Oveng, ca. 25 km… 04792382 Dactyladenia staudtii (Engl.) Prance & F.White
Maranthes chrysophylla (Oliv.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 3197 07 Feb 1987 Gabon Inventory Oveng; ca. 25 km.… 04792404 Maranthes chrysophylla (Oliv.) Prance
Maranthes gabunensis (Engl.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 2810 09 Jan 1987 Gabon 12 km. on the road… 4792412 Maranthes gabunensis (Engl.) Prance
Maranthes gabunensis (Engl.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 1457 13 Sep 1985 Gabon Secondarized forest between Cap -… 4792413 Maranthes gabunensis (Engl.) Prance
Maranthes chrysophylla (Oliv.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 1325 15 Aug 1985 Gabon Secondarized forest between Cap Santa… 4792409 Maranthes chrysophylla (Oliv.) Prance
Maranthes chrysophylla (Oliv.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 3288 16 Apr 1987 Gabon Rainforest, ca. 50 km. SW… 4792405 Maranthes chrysophylla (Oliv.) Prance
Maranthes glabra (Oliv.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 3338 18 Apr 1987 Gabon ca. 50 km SW of… 4792424 Maranthes glabra (Oliv.) Prance
Dactyladenia Welw. J. M. Reitsma 2745 20 Dec 1986 Gabon ca. 6 km. NE of… 04792387 Dactyladenia Welw.
Maranthes glabra (Oliv.) Prance J. M. Reitsma 2750 20 Dec 1986 Gabon ca. 6 km. NE of… 4792426 Maranthes glabra (Oliv.) Prance
Dactyladenia staudtii (Engl.) Prance & F.White J. M. Reitsma 1390 25 Aug 1985 Gabon Monts Doudou ca. 25 km.… 04792383 Dactyladenia staudtii (Engl.) Prance & F.White
Dactyladenia floribunda Welw. J. M. Reitsma 1599 25 Sep 1985 Gabon Chantier Rougier Océan; ca. 25… 04792369 Dactyladenia floribunda Welw.
Dactyladenia chevalieri (De Wild.) Prance & F.White J. M. Reitsma 2393 14 Jul 1986 Gabon Small island in a lake,… 04792366 Dactyladenia chevalieri (De Wild.) Prance & F.White
Magnistipula cupheiflora Mildbr. J. M. Reitsma 1154 14 Jun 1985 Gabon Chantier CEB, Invenory, ca.50 km.… 04792401 Magnistipula cupheiflora Mildbr.
Parinari capensis Harv. J. M. Reitsma 2440 24 Jul 1986 Gabon Plateaux Batéké, near Lekoni; savannah. 4792438 Parinari capensis Harv.
Chrysobalanus icaco L. J. M. Reitsma 2099 12 Apr 1986 Gabon Pointe Denis, near the sea;… 4792349 Chrysobalanus icaco L.
Dactyladenia pallescens (Baill.) Prance & F.White F. J. Breteler 13059 28 Sep 1994 Gabon Moyen-Ogooué Border of Ogooué river, 3-4… 03292577 Dactyladenia pallescens (Baill.) Prance & F.White
Dactyladenia campestris (Engl.) Prance & F.White F. J. Breteler 10278 01 Nov 1991 Gabon Ogooué-Maritime Rabi-Kounga. 03599519 Dactyladenia campestris (Engl.) Prance & F.White
Dactyladenia bellayana (Baill.) Prance & F.White J. Schoenmaker 377 30 Jan 1992 Gabon Ogooué-Maritime Rabi-Kounga. East of Divangui. 03599517 Dactyladenia bellayana (Baill.) Prance & F.White