Displaying 76 - 100 out of 13538 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Tyloglossa genistiformis Nees L. Riedel 2512 Aug 1834 Brazil Goiás In camp. gramin. Chapadão de… isotype 278371 Tyloglossa genistiformis Nees
Acanthus leucostachyus Wall. F. Desilva 2512 s.d. India In Sillet type 278866 Acanthus leucostachyus Wall.
Drejera puberula Torr. J. Gregg 504 02 Apr 1847 Mexico Valley of Río Conchos (below… holotype 311944 Drejera puberula Torr.
Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis var. subsessilis Nees L. Riedel 362 Brazil Minas Gerais Prope Praesidio isotype 278294 Stenostephanus lobeliaeformis var. subsessilis Nees
Ruellia heteromorpha Fernald J. K. Small 5772 15 Mar 1915 United States of America Florida Miami-Dade Co. About Sykes Hammock holotype 312287 Ruellia heteromorpha Fernald
Dipteracanthus incomtus Nees L. Riedel 2480 Aug 1834 Brazil Goiás In siccis lapidosis Catalao syntype 311937 Dipteracanthus incomtus Nees
Justicia huberi Wassh. O. Huber 12731 28 Mar 1988 Venezuela Bolívar Distrito Cedeño: Sierra de Maigualida,… holotype 74309 Justicia huberi Wassh.
Aphelandra macrosiphon Lindau C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. 13 Apr 1892-21 Apr 1892 Bolivia type 278922 Aphelandra macrosiphon Lindau
Hypoestes palawanensis Elmer J. Bermejos Bureau of Science No. 316 Jan 1906 Philippines Palawan Palawan isotype 312071 Hypoestes palawanensis Elmer
Dicliptera batesii S.Moore G. L. Bates 608 s.d. Cameroon Bitze near Riv. Ja, S.… type 311927 Dicliptera batesii S.Moore
Dicliptera clarkei Elmer A. D. E. Elmer 12585 Feb 1911 Philippines Palawan Puerto Princesa (Mt. Pulgar), Island… isotype 311929 Dicliptera clarkei Elmer
Diapedium pectinatum var. brevifolium Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze 7529 27 Dec 1875 India Igatpuri, Westghats type 311899 Diapedium pectinatum var. brevifolium Kuntze
Cystacanthus harmandii Benoist J. B. L. Pierre 1594 Feb 1866 Vietnam Ad Saigon syntype 311877 Cystacanthus harmandii Benoist
Hypoestes aculior C.B.Clarke F. W. Foxworthy Bureau of Science No. 62 Jan 1906 Philippines Rizal [Island of] Luzon syntype 312066 Hypoestes aculior C.B.Clarke
Eranthemum fruticosum Elmer A. D. E. Elmer 9619 Mar 1908 Philippines Negros Oriental Dumaguete (Cuernos Mts.), Island of… isotype 311969 Eranthemum fruticosum Elmer
Andrographis lineata Nees R. Wight 2024 s.d. India Penins. Ind. or. type 278880 Andrographis lineata Nees
Hallieracantha pulgarensis Elmer A. D. E. Elmer 13061 Apr 1911 Philippines Palawan Puerto Princesa (Mt. Pulgar), Island… isotype 311989 Hallieracantha pulgarensis Elmer
Ebermaiera minarum var. microphylla Nees L. Riedel 467 Aug 1824 Brazil Ad ripam rivuli Tymbo-pebá syntype 311960 Ebermaiera minarum var. microphylla Nees
Stephanophysum flavum Nees L. Riedel 2517 Aug 1834 Brazil Goiás In sylv. (Capao) Capillinha isotype 278300 Stephanophysum flavum Nees
Ecbolium gendarussa var. angustifolium Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze 5843 28 May 1875 Indonesia Willisgebirge, Java type 468413 Ecbolium gendarussa var. angustifolium Kuntze
Asystasia chelonoides var. angustifolia Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze 4984 1875 Indonesia Tjikanu-Tjibelong, Java holotype 278949 Asystasia chelonoides var. angustifolia Kuntze
Ruellia reticulata Leonard C. Seler 1570 15 Dec 1895 Mexico Oaxaca type 312317 Ruellia reticulata Leonard
Ruellia malaca Leonard J. J. Wurdack 41287 19 Jan 1956 Venezuela Bolívar Río Suapure: at east base… isotype 312341 Ruellia malaca Leonard
Carlowrightia mcvaughii T.F.Daniel R. McVaugh 20105 12 Oct 1960-13 Oct 1960 Mexico Jalisco 4 miles north-northeast of Talpa… isotype 311851 Carlowrightia mcvaughii T.F.Daniel
Carlowrightia glandulosa B.L.Rob. & Greenm. C. G. Pringle 6276 05 Dec 1895 Mexico Oaxaca Monte Alban near Oaxaca isotype 311848 Carlowrightia glandulosa B.L.Rob. & Greenm.