Displaying 1 - 4 out of 4 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. subsp. aethiopica Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. Jamaica [no locality or locality illegible] 01495624 Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. subsp. aethiopica
Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. N. Taylor 5998 09 Jan 1905 United States of America New York Bronx Co. New York Botanical… 03135627 Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f.
Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. subsp. aethiopica J. G. Jack 8303 16 Aug 1931 Cuba Villa Clara Santa Clara. Soledad, Cienfuegos. 01495623 Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. subsp. aethiopica
Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f. A. Peter 55291 30 Sep 1918 Tanzania Tanga, Mwele-Sorbero 04166015 Tinnea aethiopica Kotschy ex Hook.f.