Displaying 1 - 25 out of 419 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm. 02514408
Themistoclesia cuatrecasasii A.C.Sm. R. L. Wilbur 22296 09 Jul 1977 Costa Rica Cartago On steep slopes above the… 02645633 Themistoclesia cuatrecasasii A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia horquetensis Luteyn & Wilbur G. C. de Nevers 6834 17 Jan 1986 Panama Chiriquí Cerro Pate Macho, ridge. 2645639 Themistoclesia horquetensis Luteyn & Wilbur
Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer F. Almeda 3164 22 Jul 1977 Costa Rica Heredia Sites in the vicinity of… 2645643 Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer
Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer R. L. Wilbur 23061 22 Jul 1977 Costa Rica Alajuela Roadside and in pastures and… 2645644 Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer
Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer J. F. Utley 4694 18 Apr 1976 Costa Rica Alajuela CR highway #9 between road… 2645645 Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer
Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer R. W. Lent 2412 26 Mar 1972 Costa Rica Cartago Woods beside Río Sombrero, 1… 2645646 Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer
Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer J. R. Grant 0-3713 15 Feb 2000 Panama Chiriquí Alto Quiel, Alto Chiquero, 11-14… 2645648 Themistoclesia pentandra Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer F. Almeda 2153 28 Dec 1973 Costa Rica Heredia CR #113. Foot trail at… 02645649 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer R. L. Wilbur 21587 31 Jul 1976 Costa Rica Cartago Crest of ridge immediately above… 2645650 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer R. L. Wilbur 22234 08 Jul 1977 Costa Rica Heredia Slopes NE of Cerro Chompipe… 2645652 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer F. Almeda 4866 11 Mar 1981 Costa Rica San José 6 km NE of Cascajal. 2645653 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer J. F. Utley 3189 25 Oct 1975 Costa Rica Heredia Trail directly N of Cerro… 2645654 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer R. L. Wilbur 22008 05 Jul 1977 Costa Rica San José Pastured slopes NE of Cascajal… 2645655 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer W. A. Haber 7810 18 Nov 1987 Costa Rica Puntarenas Reserva Biológica Monteverde Ojo de… 2645657 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer J. P. Folsom 4719 13 Aug 1977 Panama Cerro Colorado, road along top.… 2645658 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer H. Churchill 4527 05 Feb 1984 Panama Bocas del Toro Oleoducto Road, near Continental Divide.… 2645659 Themistoclesia smithiana (Standl.) Sleumer
Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm. R. Duno de Stefano 1493 14 Mar 2001 Venezuela Lara P.N. Dinira; desde Buenos Aires… 2645758 Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm. W. Meier 6446 07 Feb 2000 Venezuela Distrito Capital Monumento Natural Pico Codazzi. Cordillera… 2645763 Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm. W. Meier 6455 07 Feb 2000 Venezuela Distrito Capital Monumento Natural Pico Codazzi. Cordillera… 2645764 Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm. Collector unknown 31975 26 Jun 1996 Ecuador Pichincha Trail along ridge between Cerro… 2645782 Themistoclesia dependens (Benth.) A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm. B. Løjtnant 12067 09 Apr 1979 Ecuador Carchi Above La Esperaza, 5 km… 2645811 Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm. H. Vargas 412 14 Mar 1995 Ecuador Tungurahua Santiago de Pillaro. Los Llanganates.… 2645816 Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm. F. Prieto P-270 10 Sep 1945 - 19 Sep 1945 Ecuador Azuay "Oriente" border: Eastern Cordillera, between… 2645819 Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm.
Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm. P. C. D. Cazalet 5530 6/12/61 Ecuador Napo/Pastaza. ENE of Cayambe Mountain.… 2645820 Themistoclesia epiphytica A.C.Sm.