Displaying 14951 - 15025 out of 15025 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 32393 27 Mar 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mt.… 4036764 Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris peltata C.F.Reed J. Clemens 32485 03 Apr 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mt.… 04036620 Thelypteris peltata C.F.Reed
Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 32464 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Br. N. Borneo,… 04036180 Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris J. Clemens 40478 27 Sep 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Br.N. Borneo, Mt.… 4036889 Thelypteris
Thelypteris aurita (Hook.) Ching J. Clemens 40306 11 Sep 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Br.N. Borneo, Mt.… 04036126 Thelypteris aurita (Hook.) Ching
Thelypteris dulitensis (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 33695 03 Jun 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Br.N. Borneo. Mt… 04036259 Thelypteris dulitensis (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris immersa (Blume) Ching J. Clemens 27739 Nov 1931 - Dec 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Mount Kinabalu, B.N.… 04036372 Thelypteris immersa (Blume) Ching
Thelypteris badia (Alderw.) Ching J. Clemens 31770-31771 24 Feb 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mt.… 04036127 Thelypteris badia (Alderw.) Ching
Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats. J. Clemens 27458 08 Dec 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 4036632 Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats.
Thelypteris neotoppingii J. Clemens 27543 15 Dec 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 04036521 Thelypteris neotoppingii
Thelypteris baramensis Ching J. Clemens 26932 03 Nov 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 04036130 Thelypteris baramensis Ching
Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 28456 18 Feb 1932 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 4036184 Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris inconspicua (Copel.) Ching J. Clemens 28099 22 Jan 1932 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 04036395 Thelypteris inconspicua (Copel.) Ching
Thelypteris baramensis Ching J. Clemens 27601=27938 23 Jan 1932 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 04036128 Thelypteris baramensis Ching
Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton J. Clemens 26928 27 Oct 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo, Mount… 04036792 Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris gymnopoda K.Iwats. & M.Kato J. Clemens 28098 27 Jan 1932 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mount… 4036311 Thelypteris gymnopoda K.Iwats. & M.Kato
Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 29450 29 Apr 1932 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mount… 4036761 Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 27471=28233 Dec 1931 - Feb 1932 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mount… 4036183 Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris J. Clemens s.n. 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mt.… 4036888 Thelypteris
Thelypteris stegnogramme (Blume) C.F.Reed J. Clemens 32660 11 Apr 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mt.… 04036669 Thelypteris stegnogramme (Blume) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris lithophylla C.F.Reed J. Clemens 33158 17 May 1933 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). B.N. Borneo. Mt.… 04036456 Thelypteris lithophylla C.F.Reed
Thelypteris hispidula (Decne.) C.F.Reed J. Clemens 27475 09 Dec 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Mount Kinabalu, B.N.… 04036346 Thelypteris hispidula (Decne.) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris inconspicua (Copel.) Ching J. Clemens 27603-27325-27432 15 Dec 1931 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Mount Kinabalu, B.N.… 04036394 Thelypteris inconspicua (Copel.) Ching
Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston D. L. Topping 1762 16 Nov 1915 - 18 Nov 1915 Malaysia Sabah Ranau (District). Lobang, Mount Kinabalu 4036728 Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston
Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats. Collector unspecified 845 s.d. Malaysia Malaya 04035764 Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats.
Thelypteris rubrinervis (Mett. ex Kuhn) K.Iwats. 04036648 Thelypteris rubrinervis (Mett. ex Kuhn) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. 4036827 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris 4036904 Thelypteris
Thelypteris 4036905 Thelypteris
Thelypteris pectiniformis (C.Chr.) Ching 04035757 Thelypteris pectiniformis (C.Chr.) Ching
Thelypteris crassifolia (Blume) Ching 04035557 Thelypteris crassifolia (Blume) Ching
Thelypteris megaphylla K.Iwats. 04035714 Thelypteris megaphylla K.Iwats.
Thelypteris retubensis J. Clemens 22025 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Below Gat along… 04036638 Thelypteris retubensis
Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats. J. Clemens 22177 27 Jun 1929 - 26 Jun 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Bet Gat Kapit… 4036631 Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats.
Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed J. Clemens 22027 20 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Gat, Upper Rejang… 4036143 Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed J. Clemens 22024 22 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Gat, upper Rejang… 4036144 Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. Native Collector 5278 05 Sep 1927 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Kapit, upper Rejang 4036823 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton J. Clemens 21466 27 May 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Kapit, Upper Rejang… 4036793 Thelypteris unita (L.) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. J. Clemens 20757 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Kapit, Upper Rejang… 4036825 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats. J. Clemens 21465 14 Jun 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kapit (District). Upper Rejang River 4036633 Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats.
Thelypteris megaphylla K.Iwats. J. Clemens 20730 29 Aug 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Kuching and vicinity,… 4036510 Thelypteris megaphylla K.Iwats.
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. J. Clemens 6552 23 Aug 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Kuching and vicinity,… 4036819 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 20753 29 Aug 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Kuching and vicinity.,… 4036182 Thelypteris caulescens (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed J. Clemens 22397 27 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Mount Matang 4036142 Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed J. Clemens 24019 25 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Mount Matang, above… 4036141 Thelypteris beccariana C.F.Reed
Thelypteris suprastrigosa (Rosenst.) C.F.Reed J. Clemens 22391 27 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Mount Matang, By… 04036687 Thelypteris suprastrigosa (Rosenst.) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris substrigosa J. Clemens 7923 28 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Mount Matang, forest… 04036683 Thelypteris substrigosa
Thelypteris suprastrigosa (Rosenst.) C.F.Reed J. Clemens 21028 25 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Kuching (District). Mount Matang, mt… 04036688 Thelypteris suprastrigosa (Rosenst.) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris verrucosa Ching J. Clemens 22053 11 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Lundu (District). Lundu, Mt. Gadin 4036834 Thelypteris verrucosa Ching
Thelypteris J. Clemens 22063 12 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Lundu (District). Lundu, Mt. Gadin 4036891 Thelypteris
Thelypteris athyriocarpa E. G. Mjöberg s.n. s.d. Malaysia Sarawak Lundu (District). Mount Poi 04036123 Thelypteris athyriocarpa
Thelypteris gymnopoda K.Iwats. & M.Kato J. Clemens 20452 19 Sep 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Lundu (District). Mount Poi near… 04036306 Thelypteris gymnopoda K.Iwats. & M.Kato
Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens 22054 11 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Lundu (District). Mt. Gadin, Forest… 4036762 Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris J. Clemens 7485 19 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Bidi Caves, summit above caves,… 4036890 Thelypteris
Thelypteris salicifolia C.F.Reed Collector unspecified 46 15 May 1914 Malaysia Sarawak Borneo, Retub upper Sadong 04036653 Thelypteris salicifolia C.F.Reed
Thelypteris arbuscula (Willd.) K.Iwats. Collector unspecified 51 15 May 1914 Malaysia Sarawak Borneo, Retub upper Sadong 04036081 Thelypteris arbuscula (Willd.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris retubensis J. Clemens 22026 13 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Gat, Upper Rejang River 04036639 Thelypteris retubensis
Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats. J. Clemens 22168 28 Jun 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Gat, Upper Rejang River, behind… 4036630 Thelypteris polycarpa K.Iwats.
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. J. Clemens 22029 22 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Gat, upper Rejang River, Mt.… 4036816 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh. J. Clemens s.n. 22 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Mount Majau, Gat, Upper Rejang… 4036768 Thelypteris trichochlamys (Holttum) Christenh.
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. J. Clemens 21020 25 Oct 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Mount Matang 4036818 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris adenophora C.F.Reed Native Collector 5131 26 Jan 1928 Malaysia Sarawak Mount Stupong 4036078 Thelypteris adenophora C.F.Reed
Thelypteris immersa (Blume) Ching Native Collector 5048 01 Oct 1928 Malaysia Sarawak Sk Muka Hill 4036379 Thelypteris immersa (Blume) Ching
Thelypteris heterocarpa (Blume) C.V.Morton A. Dores 162 03 Sep 2003 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Uh (Mun.). U Municipality. Pahlap 202529 Thelypteris heterocarpa (Blume) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris 4034500 Thelypteris
Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott 05126190
Thelypteris opulenta (Kaulf.) Fosberg N. Trushell 1216 7 Apr 1985 Ecuador Napo Estación Experimental INIAP-Payamino 02065316 Thelypteris opulenta (Kaulf.) Fosberg
Thelypteris amphioxypteris (Sodiro) A.R.Sm. P. C. D. Cazalet 5248 02 Nov 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4026533 Thelypteris amphioxypteris (Sodiro) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris polyphlebia (C.Chr.) C.V.Morton P. C. D. Cazalet 5273 03 Nov 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4033025 Thelypteris polyphlebia (C.Chr.) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris polyphlebia (C.Chr.) C.V.Morton P. C. D. Cazalet 5273 03 Nov 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4033026 Thelypteris polyphlebia (C.Chr.) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris amphioxypteris (Sodiro) A.R.Sm. P. C. D. Cazalet 5178 29 Oct 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4026531 Thelypteris amphioxypteris (Sodiro) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris gemmulifera (Hieron.) A.R.Sm. P. C. D. Cazalet 5200 29 Oct 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4031918 Thelypteris gemmulifera (Hieron.) A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris francoana (E.Fourn.) C.F.Reed P. C. D. Cazalet 5206 30 Oct 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4031884 Thelypteris francoana (E.Fourn.) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris gigantea (Mett.) R.M.Tryon P. C. D. Cazalet 5202 30 Oct 1961 Ecuador Pichincha 20 km. W of Santo… 4031961 Thelypteris gigantea (Mett.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris heterocarpa (Blume) C.V.Morton M. J. Balick 4003 25 Aug 1999 Federated States of Micronesia Pohnpei Madolenihmw (Mun.). Woukoatohr 192257 Thelypteris heterocarpa (Blume) C.V.Morton