Displaying 14726 - 14775 out of 15032 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Thelypteris simplex (Hook.) K.Iwats. Sallet s.n. Aug 1920 Vietnam Annam. Massif de Bah-Na, 30… 04035835 Thelypteris simplex (Hook.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John M. M. Mejía Pimentel 10382 15 Jan 1981 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal at Gualupita (6 km. N… 1905022 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats. J. F. C. Rock 1716 10 Jan 1922 Thailand Chiengmai Province, Region of Chieng… 4035676 Thelypteris interrupta (Willd.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris scallanii (Christ) C.V.Morton P. A. Pételot 2040 27 Feb 1938 Vietnam Tonkin, Chapa 04035832 Thelypteris scallanii (Christ) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris cuspidata K.Iwats. P. A. Pételot 5402 Mar 1935 Vietnam Thai Nguyen Tonkin, Thai Nguyen 04035566 Thelypteris cuspidata K.Iwats.
Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats. S. F. Kajewski 858 04 Mar 1929 Vanuatu New Hebrides, Aneityum Island, Anelgauhat… 4036827 Thelypteris urophylla (Mett.) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris S. F. Kajewski 860 04 Mar 1929 Vanuatu New Hebrides, Aneityum Island, Anelgauhat… 4036904 Thelypteris
Thelypteris rubrinervis (Mett. ex Kuhn) K.Iwats. S. F. Kajewski 61 24 Feb 1928 Vanuatu New Hebrides, Tanna Island, Lenakel 04036648 Thelypteris rubrinervis (Mett. ex Kuhn) K.Iwats.
Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens (G.Lawson) Schott & Fernald 05122702 Thelypteris palustris var. pubescens (G.Lawson) Schott & Fernald
Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M.Tryon H. H. van der Werff 11303 20 Aug 1989 Ecuador Morona Santiago Along new road Mendez-Morona, km… 4026676 Thelypteris aspidioides (Willd.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris leprieurii (Hook.) R.M.Tryon H. H. van der Werff 11296 20 Aug 1989 Ecuador Morona Santiago Along new road Mendez-Morona, km… 4032330 Thelypteris leprieurii (Hook.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris linkiana (C.Presl) R.M.Tryon H. H. van der Werff 11298 20 Aug 1989 Ecuador Morona Santiago Along new road Mendez-Morona, km… 4032377 Thelypteris linkiana (C.Presl) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris uncinata A.R.Sm. H. H. van der Werff 11120 16 Aug 1989 Ecuador Morona Santiago Along new road Mendez-Morona. 04033664 Thelypteris uncinata A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M.Tryon H. H. van der Werff 11166 17 Aug 1989 Ecuador Morona Santiago Along new road Mendez-Morona. 4031517 Thelypteris biformata (Rosenst.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris schaffneri (Fée) C.F.Reed J. T. Mickel 603 4 Aug 1960 Mexico San Luis Potosí 4-5 miles east of Xilitla… 4026274 Thelypteris schaffneri (Fée) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V.Morton J. T. Mickel 570 1 Aug 1960 Mexico San Luis Potosí About 20 miles east of… 4025749 Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V.Morton J. T. Mickel 574 1 Aug 1960 Mexico San Luis Potosí About 29 miles east of… 4025750 Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V.Morton J. T. Mickel 597 4 Aug 1960 Mexico San Luis Potosí 4-5 miles east of Xilitla… 4025748 Thelypteris puberula (Baker) C.V.Morton
Thelypteris imbricata (Liebm.) C.F.Reed J. T. Mickel 611 4 Aug 1960 Mexico San Luis Potosí 0.1 mile west of ferry… 4024920 Thelypteris imbricata (Liebm.) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small J. T. Mickel 569 1 Aug 1960 Mexico San Luis Potosí About 20 miles east of… 4026323 Thelypteris tetragona (Sw.) Small
Thelypteris pilosula (Klotzsch & H.Karst. ex Mett.) R.M.Tryon J. T. Mickel 708 11 Aug 1960 Mexico México About 6 miles south of… 4025659 Thelypteris pilosula (Klotzsch & H.Karst. ex Mett.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris puberula var. sonorensis A.R.Sm. G. B. Hinton 16284 1 Jan 1942 Mexico Michoacán Coalcoman de Vazquez Pallares Mun.… 4025816 Thelypteris puberula var. sonorensis A.R.Sm.
Thelypteris hispidula (Decne.) C.F.Reed G. B. Hinton 16256 1 Dec 1941 Mexico Michoacán Coahuayana Mun. Coahuayana 4024906 Thelypteris hispidula (Decne.) C.F.Reed
Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor J. A. de Jesus 377 13 May 1969 Brazil Bahia Ilhéus, Itamari, 6 km S. 3501125 Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor
Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor P. Salzmann s.n. s.d. Brazil Bahia in umbrasis 3501127 Thelypteris poiteana (Bory) Proctor
Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott 04018859 Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott
Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott 05126190 Thelypteris palustris (A.Gray) Schott
Thelypteris (L.) Nieuwl. thelypteris L. E. Taylor 677 21 Jul 1935 South Africa Woodbush Tv 4034462 Thelypteris (L.) Nieuwl. thelypteris
Thelypteris africana L. E. Taylor 759 05 Aug 1935 South Africa Entebeni Tv 4034334 Thelypteris africana
Thelypteris bergiana (Schltdl.) Ching L. E. Taylor 796 10 Aug 1935 South Africa open veld Versamel die Waters… 4034350 Thelypteris bergiana (Schltdl.) Ching
Thelypteris (L.) Nieuwl. thelypteris L. E. Taylor 1729 18 Jan 1936 South Africa Howiesonspoort C.P. 04034461 Thelypteris (L.) Nieuwl. thelypteris
Thelypteris africana L. E. Taylor 1733 24 Jan 1936 South Africa Pirie Forest C.P. 04034332 Thelypteris africana
Thelypteris rustica (Fée) Proctor S. R. Hill 24639 06 Mar 1993 Dominica Saint Peter Morne Diablotins, Northern Forest Reserve,… 1906837 Thelypteris rustica (Fée) Proctor
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John M. M. Mejía Pimentel 9547 01 Dec 1980 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Arroyo El Molino, at populated… 1905036 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris mollis (Mett.) R.M.Tryon A. C. Cook 438 s.d. Spain Islas Canarias Gran Canaria: Firgas 4034407 Thelypteris mollis (Mett.) R.M.Tryon
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John M. M. Mejía Pimentel 6670 29 May 1980 Dominican Republic Samaná Río San Juan near junction… 1904985 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 31301 24 Aug 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: en la ladera… 2004410 Thelypteris
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 31304 24 Aug 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: en la ladera… 2004416 Thelypteris
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John S. R. Hill 28885 23 Feb 1997 Dominica Saint Andrew Around old sugar mill ruins… 1904967 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 27825 07 Nov 1983 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: "La Cueva" (de… 2004240 Thelypteris
Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston T. A. Zanoni 29509 02 Apr 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: en el Rio… 2004065 Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston
Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John T. A. Zanoni 29522 02 Apr 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: en el Rio… 1904974 Thelypteris dentata (Forssk.) E.P.St.John
Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston M. M. Mejía Pimentel 10308 15 Jan 1981 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Arroyo La Toma Balneario La… 2004088 Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 29664 02 May 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: 9.0 Km al… 2004427 Thelypteris
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 29664 02 May 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: 9.0 Km al… 2004449 Thelypteris
Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston T. A. Zanoni 29667 02 May 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: 9.0 Km al… 2004062 Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston
Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston T. A. Zanoni 29667 02 May 1984 Dominican Republic San Cristóbal Cordillera Central: 9.0 Km al… 2004099 Thelypteris torresiana (Gaudich.) Alston
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 31171 18 Jul 1984 Dominican Republic Samaná Peninsula y Prov. Samaná: en… 2004411 Thelypteris
Thelypteris guadalupensis (Wikstr.) Proctor T. A. Zanoni 19733 17 Mar 1982 Dominican Republic Samaná Oeste desde la Punta Balatá… 1905195 Thelypteris guadalupensis (Wikstr.) Proctor
Thelypteris T. A. Zanoni 19687 16 Mar 1982 Dominican Republic Samaná 3.5 Km este del pueblo… 2004434 Thelypteris