Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Setaria splendida Stapf H. L. Shantz 4309 19 Mar 1957 Democratic Republic of the Congo Nioka. 4709249 Setaria splendida Stapf
Setaria splendida Stapf L. J. Brass 16387 20 Jun 1946 Malawi Likubula Gorge, Nyasaland 4709250 Setaria splendida Stapf
Setaria splendida Stapf B. A. Gowa 253 21 Jan 1991 Malawi Mzimba N Reg. Lunyangwa Agricultural Forest 04709248 Setaria splendida Stapf