Displaying 251 - 275 out of 1037 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Schlotheimia macrospora Müll.Hal. E. H. G. Ule 129 1892 Brazil Serra de Ouro Preto type 1244086 Schlotheimia macrospora Müll.Hal.
Schlotheimia nitida Schwägr. H. C. Beyrich s.n. s.d. Brazil type 1244087 Schlotheimia nitida Schwägr.
Schlotheimia ottonis Schwägr. C. F. Schwägrichen s.n. s.d. Brazil E. Brasilia type 1244089 Schlotheimia ottonis Schwägr.
Schlotheimia patula Mitt. R. Heward s.n. s.d. Brazil Rio type 737682 Schlotheimia patula Mitt.
Schlotheimia pilomitria Müll.Hal. P. Germain 1184 Jun 1889 Bolivia provincia Cochabamba prope Choquecamata type 1244090 Schlotheimia pilomitria Müll.Hal.
Schlotheimia pulchella Hornsch. Bergius s.n. s.d. type 1244091 Schlotheimia pulchella Hornsch.
Schlotheimia regnellii Ångstr. A. F. Regnell s.n. s.d. Brazil Caldas syntype 1244093 Schlotheimia regnellii Ångstr.
Schlotheimia speciosissima Broth. E. A. Mearns 4798 May 1906 Philippines Mt. Malindang, Mendanao isotype 1244098 Schlotheimia speciosissima Broth.
Schlotheimia splendida Mitt. H. Low s.n. s.d. Kina Balloo, Borneo type 1244099 Schlotheimia splendida Mitt.
Schlotheimia splendida Mitt. H. Low s.n. s.d. Kina Balu, Borneo type 1244100 Schlotheimia splendida Mitt.
Schlotheimia splendida Mitt. H. Low s.n. s.d. Kina Balloo, Borneo probable type 1244101 Schlotheimia splendida Mitt.
Schlotheimia sprengelii Hornsch. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. Brazil type 1244102 Schlotheimia sprengelii Hornsch.
Schlotheimia sublevifolia Müll.Hal. P. Germain 1234 Jun 1889 Bolivia provincia Cochabamba prope Choquecamata possible neotype 1244103 Schlotheimia sublevifolia Müll.Hal.
Schlotheimia trichomitria Schwägr. R. Heward s.n. s.d. Brazil Rio possible type 1244104 Schlotheimia trichomitria Schwägr.
Schlotheimia trichomitria Schwägr. R. Heward s.n. s.d. Brazil Rio possible type 1244105 Schlotheimia trichomitria Schwägr.
Schlotheimia unguiculata Mitt. R. Spruce 154 s.d. Peru Serro de Campana, Curo de… type 737684 Schlotheimia unguiculata Mitt.
Schlotheimia rugifolia (Hook.) Schwägr. C. G. Pringle s.n. 23 Jun 1891 Mexico San Luis Potosí Las Canoas 01244013
Schlotheimia pikei [Ined.] N. Pike 22-2 s.d. Mauritius taxon ined. 1272672 Schlotheimia pikei [Ined.]
Schlotheimia pikei [Ined.] N. Pike 22 s.d. Mauritius Pona Mtn. taxon ined. 1272673 Schlotheimia pikei [Ined.]
Schlotheimia gigantea M.Fleisch. L. S. A. M. von Römer s.n. 1909 Indonesia Neu-Guinea: Hellwiggebirges type 1272722 Schlotheimia gigantea M.Fleisch.
Schlotheimia rhystophylla Müll.Hal. Savez 36 1886 New Caledonia type 1244094 Schlotheimia rhystophylla Müll.Hal.
Schlotheimia stellulata Hornsch. Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. Brazil Lagoa Santa type 1272723 Schlotheimia stellulata Hornsch.
Schlotheimia rufopallens Müll.Hal. T. A. J. Hedderson 17560 07 Oct 2010 South Africa Western Cape Knysna Area. Diepwalle Forest Reserve.… 01523981
Schlotheimia rugifolia (Hook.) Schwägr. W. R. Buck 59949 09 Dec 2012 United States of America North Carolina Dare Co. Alligator River National… 1733167
Schlotheimia angustata Mitt. R. Spruce s.n. s.d. Rio [Gihua]? 01861680