Displaying 301 - 350 out of 388 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Sacciolepis 04292359 Sacciolepis
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4292326 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4292343 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4292351 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4292352 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis contracta Hitchc. 04292300 Sacciolepis contracta Hitchc.
Sacciolepis contracta Hitchc. 04292303 Sacciolepis contracta Hitchc.
Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase J. M. Pires 1248 Brazil Pará 1174393 Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 04398154 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf E. A. Robinson 6176 10 Jan 1964 Zambia Central Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East… 4398173 Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf
Sacciolepis micrococca Mez E. A. Robinson 6553 27 Mar 1965 Zambia Central Chakwenga Headwaters, 100-129 km. East… 04398160 Sacciolepis micrococca Mez
Sacciolepis micrococca Mez E. A. Robinson 6566 15 Apr 1965 Zambia North-Western Mwinilunga (Distr.). 7 km. N.… 4398161 Sacciolepis micrococca Mez
Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden P. J. Greenway 15343 05 Jul 1973 Tanzania Tanganyika, T6, Kispeire 04398142 Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden
Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf Mrs. H. M. Richards 8020 25 Jan 1957 Zambia Northern Mbala (Distr.). Ali Omari, near… 4398171 Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf
Sacciolepis gracilis Stent & J.M.Rattray Mrs. H. M. Richards 9944 31 May 1957 Zambia Northern Mbala (Distr.). Kawimbe fish ponds 04398153 Sacciolepis gracilis Stent & J.M.Rattray
Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd.) Stapf E. A. Mearns 2797 10 Jan 1910 - 02 Feb 1910 South Sudan "Rhino Camp," Bahr el Jebel,… 04398158 Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd.) Stapf
Sacciolepis buillensis Stapf H. Faulkner 1294 06 Nov 1953 Tanzania Magengea Est. dist Kungwe, Tanganyika 04398147 Sacciolepis buillensis Stapf
Sacciolepis chevalieri Stapf H. Faulkner 3234 31 Jul 1963 Tanzania Zanzibar, Mahaunda rice fields 04398148 Sacciolepis chevalieri Stapf
Sacciolepis micrococca Mez J. Viegas da Graça 2840 04 Dec 1950 Guinea-Bissau Bafatá Local arredores 4398164 Sacciolepis micrococca Mez
Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf A. A. Bullock 2037 04 Dec 1949 Tanzania Chapota, Ufipa 4398172 Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf
Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden J. B. Newbould 4441 17 Jul 1959 Tanzania Western Province, Kigoma District, Kungwe… 4398144 Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden
Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf B. K. Simon 2067 27 Dec 1969 Zambia North-Western Kasempa (Distr.). 20 mls. E… 04398170 Sacciolepis transbarbata Stapf
Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden W. C. Verboom 944 24 Mar 1963 Zambia Eastern Chipata (Distr.). JUMBE AREA 4398145 Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden
Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase 04398165 Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase
Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase 04398166 Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase
Sacciolepis contracta Hitchc. R. Si Toroes 4078 15 Apr 1933 - 16 May 1933 Indonesia Sumatera Utara Labuhanbatu Selatan (Regency). District Kota… 04292302 Sacciolepis contracta Hitchc.
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase R. Si Boeea 11390 01 Dec 1936 - 12 Dec 1936 Indonesia Sumatera Utara Vicinity of Taloen na Oeli,… 4292350 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4292380 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis auriculata Stapf W. C. Verboom 961 10 May 1963 Zambia Luangwa Valley, Chief Nsefu Area 04398146 Sacciolepis auriculata Stapf
Sacciolepis 04398175 Sacciolepis
Sacciolepis myosuroides (R.Br.) E.G.Camus ex Chase J. Clemens 3117 May 1927 - Jul 1927 Vietnam MT. BANI (Mount Bani is… 04292395 Sacciolepis myosuroides (R.Br.) E.G.Camus ex Chase
Sacciolepis myosuroides (R.Br.) E.G.Camus ex Chase 04292394 Sacciolepis myosuroides (R.Br.) E.G.Camus ex Chase
Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd.) Stapf E. A. Mearns 2398 21 Dec 1909 - 22 Dec 1909 Uganda Vicinity of Kampala, on the… 04398159 Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd.) Stapf
Sacciolepis micrococca Mez J. Raynal 12526 15 Dec 1964 Cameroon Sanguéré (10 Km SE Garoua) 4398162 Sacciolepis micrococca Mez
Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase 03930195 Sacciolepis myuros (Lam.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 02710344 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4292346 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd.) Stapf J. Louis 10624 02 Aug 1938 Democratic Republic of the Congo Yangambi 04398157 Sacciolepis interrupta (Willd.) Stapf
Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden Scholz 190 29 Nov 1969 Ghana Komin Yanga, Fada N'aowma, Yondé,… 4398143 Sacciolepis africana C.E.Hubb. & Snowden
Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash Collector unspecified s.n. s.d. United States of America Florida 1812408 Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash
Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash W. M. Carpenter s.n. s.d. United States of America Louisiana 1812465 Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash
Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash A. W. Chapman s.n. s.d. United States of America Florida 1812486 Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash
Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash A. W. Chapman s.n. s.d. United States of America Florida 1812497 Sacciolepis striata (L.) Nash
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase H. Hara 7939 13 Jun 1960 India Sikkim Gangtok 4292384 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis myosuroides (R.Br.) E.G.Camus ex Chase H. Hara 7935 16 Jun 1960 India Sikkim Gangtok, Penlong La 04292396 Sacciolepis myosuroides (R.Br.) E.G.Camus ex Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase H. Hara 7936 18 Jun 1960 India West Bengal Darjeeling (Distr.). Rangpo---Tista 4292382 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica var. oryzetorum (Makino) Ohwi 4292388 Sacciolepis indica var. oryzetorum (Makino) Ohwi
Sacciolepis indica var. oryzetorum (Makino) Ohwi 4292389 Sacciolepis indica var. oryzetorum (Makino) Ohwi
Sacciolepis curvata (L.) Chase P. J. Greenway 10836 16 Oct 1962 Kenya Arabuko Forest Reserve, Kilifi dist. 04398152 Sacciolepis curvata (L.) Chase
Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase 4398156 Sacciolepis indica (L.) Chase