Displaying 3026 - 3075 out of 3721 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson M. C. Wiegand 4053 22 Apr 1922 United States of America Arizona Pima Co. Sabino Canyon 3356393 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356395 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson J. W. Gillespie 5498 26 Mar 1932 United States of America Arizona Pinal Co. Superstition Mountains 3356396 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356397 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356398 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356401 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356402 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356403 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356404 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356405 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356406 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356407 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356408 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356410 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson 3356413 Phlox tenuifolia E.E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson P. A. Fryxell 383 03 Sep 1966 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. 03356414 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson P. A. Fryxell 661 14 Mar 1968 United States of America Texas Kenedy Co. 12 miles N… 3356415 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson P. A. Fryxell 959 22 Apr 1969 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. near Bryan 3356416 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson H. C. Cutler 3242 30 Mar 1940 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. 3 mi. w.… 3356417 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson J. Reverchon s.n. May 1875 United States of America Texas Dallas Co. 3356420 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson J. B. McBryde 3016 21 Apr 1939 United States of America Texas Limestone Co. 3 mi. sw.… 3356421 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson H. R. Reed 44 17 Apr 1947 United States of America Texas Mason Co. 2 miles S.W.… 3356424 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson A. Ruth 447 15 Apr 1925 United States of America Texas Tarrant Co. near Handley 3356427 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson T. P. Dooley 10 May 1945 United States of America Texas Waller Co. Near bridge north… 3356431 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson Drummond 312 1845 United States of America Texas Travis Co. 3356432 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson V. L. Cory 51645 21 Apr 1946 United States of America Texas Burleson Co. 3 miles northeast… 3356433 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson J. M. Stewart 6 03 Apr 1975 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. 1800 Block on… 3356435 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson M. White 15 08 Apr 1975 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. 205 Jersey St.… 3356436 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson L. C. Higgins 4956 25 Mar 1972 United States of America Texas Somervell Co. Between Cleburne and… 3356437 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson T. W. Lake s.n. 20 Apr 1890 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. 3356441 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson B. H. Warnock 125 30 Mar 1940 United States of America Texas Bastrop Co. 3356444 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson V. L. Cory 51559 20 Apr 1946 United States of America Texas Brazos Co. 2 miles southwest… 3356445 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson V. L. Cory 51538 19 Apr 1946 United States of America Texas Navarro Co. 7 miles south… 3356446 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson E. J. Palmer 33374 17 Apr 1928 United States of America Texas Bastrop Co. near Bastrop 3356447 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson E. N. Plank s.n. 23 Apr 1894 United States of America Texas Austin Co. 3356448 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson F. W. Pennell 10287 04 May 1920 United States of America Texas Austin Co. 3356450 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson G. L. Fisher s.n. 03 Apr 1931 United States of America Texas Harris Co. 3356452 Phlox tenuis (A.Gray) E.Nelson
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse R. D. Burr 476 10 Apr 1949 United States of America Texas Bexar Co. on Pleasanton Road.… 03356454 Phlox tharpii Whitehouse
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse 3356455 Phlox tharpii Whitehouse
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse M. C. Metz 2164 30 Apr 1935 United States of America Texas Bexar Co. Silveus ranch 18… 3356456 Phlox tharpii Whitehouse
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse E. J. Palmer 33737 04 May 1928 United States of America Texas Dimmit Co. near Carrizo Springs 3356457 Phlox tharpii Whitehouse
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse E. J. Palmer 33860 09 May 1928 United States of America Texas Frio Co. near Moore 3356460 Phlox tharpii Whitehouse
Phlox tharpii Whitehouse B. S. Freeborn 366 25 Mar 1943 United States of America Texas Jim Wells Co. Romarsid Ranch 3356465 Phlox tharpii Whitehouse
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. D. S. Correll 31596 08 Sep 1965 United States of America Texas Brewster Co. hills about 10… 03356467 Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr.
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. A. I. Mulford 704 Aug 1895 United States of America New Mexico Grant Co. Fort Bayard 3356468 Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr.
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. N. H. Holmgren 6960 25 Apr 1973 United States of America Texas Culberson Co. Guadalupe Mountains, mouth… 3356471 Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr.
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. R. C. Barneby 14472 16 Jun 1966 United States of America New Mexico Eddy Co. Guadeloupe Mts. near… 3356473 Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr.
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. L. C. Higgins 6695 16 May 1973 United States of America New Mexico Eddy Co. Near Loco Hills… 3356476 Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr.
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. A. L. Hershey 23 28 Apr 1937 United States of America New Mexico Doña Ana Co. Ash Canyon 3356478 Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr.
Phlox triovulata Thurb. ex Torr. 3356479