Displaying 51 - 59 out of 59 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus J. L. Reveal 6415 7 Jun 1987 United States of America California Sonoma Co. Along Cavedale Road,… 811992 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus R. G. Olmstead 882 19 Jun 1986 United States of America California Lake/Colusa Co. line: Near 4… 601565 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus J. Hartling 31550 06 Jul 1911 United States of America New York Bronx Co. Herbaceous Grounds, New… 601726 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus R. E. Collom 7a s.d. United States of America Arizona Coconino Co. Mogollon Mountains 772304 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus J. P. Tracy 12616 25 Jun 1933 United States of America California Humboldt Co. Camp Grant, along… 601689 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus J. P. Tracy 8804 29 Jun 1930 United States of America California Trinity Co. Near Ruth. Rocky… 601688 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus H. T. Edwards s.n. Apr 1877 United States of America California Knight's Valley 601715 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus I. L. Wiggins 8524 10 Jul 1936 United States of America California Alameda Co. Arroyo del Valle… 601690 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus
Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus I. L. Wiggins 9017 19 Aug 1938 United States of America California Monterey Co. Reliz Canyon, 4… 601691 Penstemon heterophyllus Lindl. var. heterophyllus