Displaying 951 - 975 out of 1026 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Nostoc brittonii N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 1290 a 21 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Maricao, by "Campo" holotype 00953544 Nostoc brittonii N.L.Gardner
Nostoc album N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 1149 15 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Near Maricao. holotype 00953545 Nostoc album N.L.Gardner
Nostoc membranaceum N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 952 09 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico By the banks of the… holotype 00953550 Nostoc membranaceum N.L.Gardner
Nostoc membranaceum N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 1147 12 Feb 1915 - 15 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Maricao, on a water pipe,… paratype 00953549
Nostoc simulans N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 1117 14 Feb 1915 [14 Jan 1915?] Puerto Rico Maricao, in cavities in the… holotype 00953548 Nostoc simulans N.L.Gardner
Nostoc piscinale Kütz. A. J. McClatchie s.n. 02 May 1896 United States of America California Los Angeles Co. near Pasadena,… 02049153 Nostoc piscinale Kütz.
Nostoc microscopicum Carmich. ex Bornet & Flahault F. S. Collins s.n. 08 Sep 1892 United States of America Massachusetts Essex Co. Suntaug Lake, on… 02049452 Nostoc microscopicum Carmich. ex Bornet & Flahault
Nostoc piscinale Kütz. E. Butler | J. M. Polley s.n. Jul 1901 Canada Alberta Laggan [=Lake Louise], pool near… 02049454 Nostoc piscinale Kütz.
Nostoc coeruleum Lyngb. E. Butler s.n. 19 Sep 1903 United States of America Minnesota Carver Co. Lake Zumbra, floating… 02049473 Nostoc coeruleum Lyngb.
Nostoc spongiaeforme C.Agardh W. J. V. Osterhout | N. L. Gardner s.n. 27 Jun 1902 United States of America California Alameda Co. Lake Chabot 02049291 Nostoc spongiaeforme C.Agardh
Nostoc commune Vaucher F. S. Collins s.n. 05 Aug 1913 Bermuda on sandy ground near south… 02049629 Nostoc commune Vaucher
Nostoc amplissimum Setch. W. A. Setchell s.n. 14 Apr 1897 United States of America California San Benito Co. near Hollister,… 02049189 Nostoc amplissimum Setch.
Nostoc sphaeroides Kütz. H. M. Richards s.n. s.d. United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. Fresh Pond 02049170 Nostoc sphaeroides Kütz.
Nostoc linckia (Roth) Bornet D. A. Saunders s.n. s.d. United States of America South Dakota Roberts Co. in clear running… 02049179 Nostoc linckia (Roth) Bornet
Nostoc pruniforme C.Agardh I. Holden s.n. 25 Aug 1895 United States of America Connecticut Litchfield Co. in a stagnant… 02049208 Nostoc pruniforme C.Agardh
Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher F. S. Collins s.n. s.d. United States of America Massachusetts Middlesex Co. Cascade, on wet… 02049226 Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher
Nostoc carneum C.Agardh A. H. Graves s.n. Oct 1907 United States of America Connecticut New Haven Co. floating in… 02049515 Nostoc carneum C.Agardh
Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher F. S. Collins s.n. Jul 1905 United States of America Maine Cumberland Co. minute colonies free… 02049525 Nostoc sphaericum Vaucher
Nostoc commune Vaucher H. H. Bartlett s.n. 28 Aug 1908 United States of America Georgia McDuffie Co. on moist ground… 02049532 Nostoc commune Vaucher
Nostoc commune var. flagelliforme Bornet & Flahault F. E. Lloyd s.n. s.d. Mexico Zacatecas Mazapil Mun. on sandy soil 02049533 Nostoc commune var. flagelliforme Bornet & Flahault
Nostoc pruniforme C.Agardh L. N. Johnson s.n. Aug 1894 United States of America Illinois Cook Co. on the shore… 02049032 Nostoc pruniforme C.Agardh
Nostoc ellipsosporum Rabenh. L. N. Johnson s.n. 10 Sep 1892 United States of America Michigan Washtenaw Co. on wet clay… 02049033 Nostoc ellipsosporum Rabenh.
Nostoc commune Vaucher C. E. Waters s.n. 04 Jul 1897 United States of America Maryland Baltimore Co. Loch Raven, on… 02049162 Nostoc commune Vaucher
Nostoc commune Vaucher H. M. Richards s.n. 05 Feb 1898 Bermuda Castle Point, on the ground 02049163 Nostoc commune Vaucher
Nostoc commune Vaucher Collector unknown s.n. s.d. Germany An Bergabhängen (Johannisberg bei Bielefeld.) 02679708 Nostoc commune Vaucher