Displaying 51 - 75 out of 6594 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Muhlenbergia dumosa Scribn. ex Vasey C. G. Pringle s.n. 03 Jun 1882 United States of America Arizona Santa Catalina Mts. syntype 381423 Muhlenbergia dumosa Scribn. ex Vasey
Muhlenbergia speciosa Vasey E. Palmer 30 Aug-Nov 1885 Mexico Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua [state]. isotype 381475 Muhlenbergia speciosa Vasey
Muhlenbergia filiculmis Vasey C. S. Sheldon 5805 02 Aug 1892 United States of America Colorado El Paso Co. Green Mt.… isotype 381387 Muhlenbergia filiculmis Vasey
Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen) Parodi D. L. Hazlett 9213 16 Aug 1995 United States of America Colorado Weld Co. Pawnee National Grasslands,… 43202 Muhlenbergia asperifolia (Nees & Meyen) Parodi
Muhlenbergia subaristata Swallen F. W. Pennell 18572 01 Sep 1934 Mexico Durango El Salto (Aserrraderos): along river,… isotype 381479 Muhlenbergia subaristata Swallen
Muhlenbergia longifolia Vasey E. Palmer 523 1886 Mexico Jalisco Río Blanco isotype 381445 Muhlenbergia longifolia Vasey
Muhlenbergia longifolia Vasey E. Palmer 523 Jul-Oct 1886 Mexico Jalisco Río Blanco isotype 381446 Muhlenbergia longifolia Vasey
Muhlenbergia densiflora Scribn. & Merr. C. G. Pringle 6675 13 Aug 1897 Mexico Ciudad de México Serrania de Ajusco isotype 381421 Muhlenbergia densiflora Scribn. & Merr.
Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc. C. R. Annable 2663 27 Aug 1995 United States of America New Mexico Sandoval Co. Santa Fe National… 43916 Muhlenbergia montana (Nutt.) Hitchc.
Muhlenbergia argentea Vasey E. Palmer 160 Aug-Nov 1885 Mexico Chihuahua South-western Chihuahua [state]. isotype 381416 Muhlenbergia argentea Vasey
Muhlenbergia purpusii Mez C. A. Purpus 5011 Nov 1910 Mexico San Luis Potosí Minas de San Rafael isotype 381466 Muhlenbergia purpusii Mez
Muhlenbergia sobolifera subsp. setigera Scribn. J. Reverchon s.n. Aug 1877 United States of America Texas Dallas type 381406 Muhlenbergia sobolifera subsp. setigera Scribn.
Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb. D. L. Hazlett 9516 02 Aug 1996 United States of America Colorado Yuma Co. Along Rd 10,… 190569 Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb.
Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb. H. N. Bolander s.n. s.d. United States of America California California (?). 381403 Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb.
Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb. E. Palmer s.n. United States of America Utah St. George 381405 Muhlenbergia pungens Thurb.
Muhlenbergia multiflora Columbus D. L. Hazlett 9529 14 Aug 1996 United States of America Colorado Yuma Co. Along Rd 37,… 190533 Muhlenbergia multiflora Columbus
Muhlenbergia nigra Hitchc. C. G. Pringle 4211 02 Sep 1892 Mexico México Nevado de Toluca isotype 381456 Muhlenbergia nigra Hitchc.
Muhlenbergia nigra Hitchc. C. G. Pringle 4211 02 Sep 1892 Mexico México Nevado de Toluca isotype 381457 Muhlenbergia nigra Hitchc.
Muhlenbergia scabra S.Watson J. G. Schaffner 178& 1067 1876 Mexico Ex convalli San Luis Potosí type 381470 Muhlenbergia scabra S.Watson
Muhlenbergia brevis Goodd. O. B. Metcalfe 671 08 Sep 1903 United States of America New Mexico Socorro Co. In the Mogollon… isotype 381381 Muhlenbergia brevis Goodd.
Muhlenbergia dubioides Goodd. W. A. Silveus 3490 25 Sep 1938 United States of America Arizona Box Canyon slopes, Santa Rita… isotype 381384 Muhlenbergia dubioides Goodd.
Muhlenbergia dubioides Goodd. W. A. Silveus 3490 25 Sep 1938 United States of America Arizona Box Canyon slopes, Santa Rita… isotype 381385 Muhlenbergia dubioides Goodd.
Muhlenbergia elegans var. atroviolacea Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. 26 Mar 1892 Bolivia Bei Cochabamba lectotype 381485 Muhlenbergia elegans var. atroviolacea Kuntze
Muhlenbergia elegans var. atroviolacea Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. 04 May 1892 Bolivia Tunari syntype 381484 Muhlenbergia elegans var. atroviolacea Kuntze
Muhlenbergia articulata Scribn. C. G. Pringle 3913 16 Oct 1891 Mexico San Luis Potosí Cárdenas type 381419 Muhlenbergia articulata Scribn.