Displaying 26 - 50 out of 6594 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Muhlenbergia torreyana (Schult.) C.L.Hitchc. R. M. Harper 549 31 Aug 1900 United States of America Georgia Sumter Co. 9646 Muhlenbergia torreyana (Schult.) C.L.Hitchc.
Muhlenbergia torreyana (Schult.) C.L.Hitchc. s.n. s.d. United States of America New Jersey 9647 Muhlenbergia torreyana (Schult.) C.L.Hitchc.
Muhlenbergia pauciflora Buckley E. O. Wooton s.n. 14 Oct 1894 United States of America New Mexico Doña Ana Co. Organ Mountains 1740755 Muhlenbergia pauciflora Buckley
Muhlenbergia filipes M.A.Curtis M. A. Curtis s.n. United States of America North Carolina syntype 381488 Muhlenbergia filipes M.A.Curtis
Muhlenbergia circinata Kuntze C. E. O. Kuntze s.n. Jan 1892 Argentina Paso Cruz 34°, Cordillera: Angt. holotype 381483 Muhlenbergia circinata Kuntze
Muhlenbergia xanthodas Soderstr. E. Matuda 4003 Nov 1939 Mexico Chiapas Mt. Ovando isotype 381481 Muhlenbergia xanthodas Soderstr.
Muhlenbergia xanthodas Soderstr. E. Matuda 4003 Nov 1939 Mexico Chiapas Mt. Ovando isotype 381482 Muhlenbergia xanthodas Soderstr.
Muhlenbergia gracillima Torr. J. M. Bigelow s.n. 1853-1854 United States of America Oklahoma Fort Smith to the Rio… type 381390 Muhlenbergia gracillima Torr.
Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen J. R. Swallen 4836 03 Jun 1934 Brazil Rio Grande do Norte Nova Cruz to Montanhas 786675 Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen
Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen J. R. Swallen 4836 03 Jun 1934 Brazil Rio Grande do Norte Nova Cruz to Montanhas 786676 Muhlenbergia ramulosa (Kunth) Swallen
Muhlenbergia ambigua Torr. C. A. Geyer 446 12 Sep 1838 United States of America Stony banks of Lake Okaman,… probable type 381380 Muhlenbergia ambigua Torr.
Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey C. G. Pringle 2365 06 Nov 1889 Mexico Jalisco Near Guadalajara syntype 381449 Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey
Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey C. G. Pringle 2365 06 Nov 1889 Mexico Jalisco Near Guadalajara syntype 381448 Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey
Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey E. Palmer 766 Jul-Oct 1886 Mexico Jalisco Guadalajara syntype 381447 Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey
Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey E. Palmer 766 Jul-Oct 1886 Mexico Jalisco Guadalajara syntype 381450 Muhlenbergia longiglumis Vasey
Muhlenbergia brevifolia Scribn. ex Beal C. G. Pringle 4736 02 May 1894 Mexico Jalisco Near Guadalajara type 381420 Muhlenbergia brevifolia Scribn. ex Beal
Muhlenbergia schaffneri E.Fourn. J. G. Schaffner 178& 1065 1876 Mexico San Luis Potosí Ex convalli San Luis Potosí probable isotype 381471 Muhlenbergia schaffneri E.Fourn.
Muhlenbergia elongata Scribn. ex Beal C. G. Pringle 398 Aug 1885 Mexico Chihuahua Near Chihuahua syntype 381428 Muhlenbergia elongata Scribn. ex Beal
Muhlenbergia elongata Scribn. ex Beal C. G. Pringle 398 Aug 1885 Mexico Chihuahua Near Chihuahua syntype 381429 Muhlenbergia elongata Scribn. ex Beal
Muhlenbergia firma Beal C. G. Pringle 4914 18 Sep 1894 Mexico Oaxaca Sierra de San Felipe isotype 381431 Muhlenbergia firma Beal
Muhlenbergia scoparia Vasey C. G. Pringle 2350 10 Nov 1889 Mexico Jalisco Rocky hills near Guadalajara syntype 381473 Muhlenbergia scoparia Vasey
Muhlenbergia scoparia Vasey C. G. Pringle 2350 10 Nov 1889 Mexico Jalisco Rocky hills near Guadalajara syntype 381474 Muhlenbergia scoparia Vasey
Muhlenbergia involuta Swallen W. A. Silveus 1324 10 Oct 1931 United States of America Texas 20 miles northeast of San… isotype 381392 Muhlenbergia involuta Swallen
Muhlenbergia flavida Vasey E. Palmer 645 Jun-Oct 1886 Mexico Jalisco Río Blanco isotype 381432 Muhlenbergia flavida Vasey
Muhlenbergia flavida Vasey E. Palmer 645 Jun-Oct 1886 Mexico Jalisco Río Blanco isotype 381433 Muhlenbergia flavida Vasey