Displaying 1 - 5 out of 5 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Loeselia greggii S.Watson E. Palmer 1063 1880 Mexico Sierra Madre Mts. syntype 990708 Loeselia greggii S.Watson
Loeselia greggii S.Watson E. Palmer 1063 25 Jul 1880 - 01 Aug 1880 Mexico Coahuila Canon and elevated portion of… isotype 990700 Loeselia greggii S.Watson
Loeselia greggii S.Watson 3326867
Loeselia greggii S.Watson 05149779
Loeselia greggii S.Watson C. C. Parry 702 1878 Mexico San Luis Potosí Chiefly in the region of… 990750