Displaying 51 - 97 out of 97 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. I. L. do Amaral 798 14 Apr 1983 Brazil Pará Itaituba Mun. Estrada Santarém-Cuiabá, BR… 01061893 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. Martinelli 6777 4 Jun 1980 Brazil Pará Oriximiná Mun. Estr. BR-163, próximo… 01061924 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. C. A. Cid Ferreira 1927 30 Aug 1980 Brazil Pará Oriximiná Mun. Rio Trombetas, margem… 01061884 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. C. A. Cid Ferreira 1036 18 Jun 1980 Brazil Pará Oriximiná Mun. Margem esquerda da… 01061882 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. C. A. Cid Ferreira 1646 18 Jul 1980 Brazil Pará Oriximiná Mun. Rio Trombetas, margem… 01061883 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. S. A. Mori 8997 15 Feb 1977 Brazil Amazonas Coari Mun. Vicinal of cOARI.… 01061896 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 22681 18 Sep 1974 Brazil Amazonas Km 168, BR 174, Manaus-Caracaraí… 01061865 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 20647 17 Mar 1974 Brazil Amazonas BR 319, km 268, 28… 01061869 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 2481 21 Sep 1966 Brazil Amazonas Boca do Acre Mun. Track… 01061875 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. T. V. do A. Campos 531 5 Mar 1996 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061905 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. W. A. Ducke 638 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061910 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. P. R. J. Bamps 5461 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061890 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. S. Tsugaru 593 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061895 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. S. Tsugaru 593 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061920 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. T. Madison 6096 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061904 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. G. da Silva 438 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061906 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. 1253 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061916 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. Collector unspecified 2509 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061917 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. C. Dick 167 13 Jun 1992 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. Distrito Agropecuário da… 01061899 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. H. Nee 46272 20 Aug 1995 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. Ca. 90 km… 01061925 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. H. Nee 42303 27 Jan 1992 Brazil Amazonas Manaus Mun. Distrito Agropecuário da… 01061926 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. B. A. Krukoff 8064 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061911 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 13960 3 Jul 1971 Brazil Amazonas Vicinity of Lábrea. Forest on… 01061860 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 14039 10 Jul 1971 Brazil Amazonas Rio Ituxi, vicinity of Boca… 01061863 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 18234 09 Oct 1973 Brazil Mato Grosso Aripuanã Mun. Near Humboldt Centre,… 1005062 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 2753 22 Oct 1966 Brazil Acre Cruzeiro do Sul Mun. Rio… 710175 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. T. C. Plowman 12519 11 Dec 1982 Brazil Amazonas Tefé Mun. Lago Tefé, northwest… 01061902 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. D. Frame 184 25 May 1984 Brazil Rondônia Strip of forest between two… 01061898 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. N. A. Rosa 2144 19 Jun 1977 Brazil Mato Grosso margem esquerda do rio Juruena,… 950395 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. A. H. Gentry 20553 Brazil Amapá Macapá Mun. margem do rio… 01061891 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. B. A. Krukoff 1155 Brazil Pará 01061912 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. J. M. Pires 16951 Brazil Roraima 01061887 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. V. Simão Castro 236 21 Aug 2012 Brazil Rondônia Itapuã do Oeste Mun. Floresta… 02859105 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. P. von Luetzelburg 22992 Brazil 01061921 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. P. von Luetzelburg 22992 Brazil 01061922 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. L. Coradin 888 Brazil Roraima 01061918 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. M. G. da Silva 1786 Brazil Pará 01061907 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. 04238143 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. 04237964 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. B. Maguire 40051 25 Nov 1954 Brazil Serra Tepequem, Terr. do rio… 2683195 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 10749 Brazil Roraima 01061861 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. G. T. Prance 10861 Brazil Roraima 01061872 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. 02813487 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. C. A. Cid Ferreira 7636 09 Aug 1986 Brazil Pará Oriximiná Mun. BR 163, Estrada… 2683196 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. B. Maguire 60176 13 Nov 1965 Brazil Amazonas vicinity Base Camp on Cano… 2683194 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. 03107007 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.
Isertia hypoleuca Benth. 03107009 Isertia hypoleuca Benth.