Displaying 1 - 3 out of 3 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Heteroscyphus elliottii var. portoricensis Fulford W. C. Steere 4341 12 Oct 1939 Puerto Rico El Toro Range, Luquillo Mts. holotype 561965 Heteroscyphus elliottii var. portoricensis Fulford
Heteroscyphus elliottii var. portoricensis Fulford W. C. Steere 4442 14 Oct 1939 Puerto Rico Very close to base of… 561966
Heteroscyphus elliottii var. portoricensis W. C. Steere 4295 02 Oct 1939 Puerto Rico El Yunque, Luquillo Mts. 561967