Displaying 1 - 4 out of 4 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson R. A. Howard 5995 Jul 1941 Cuba Pine woodlands along S coast… 1619613 Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson
Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson R. Howard 5995 Jul 1941 Cuba Foothills of Sierra de Moa;… 02514322 Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson
Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson J. T. Roíg y Mesa 43 29 Aug 1917 Cuba Guantánamo Moa, Baracoa, Oriente. 1619614 Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson
Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson J. A. Shafer 4089 24 Feb 1910 Cuba Oriente. Vicinity of Camp San… lectotype 11944 Harpalyce villosa Britton & P.Wilson