Displaying 301 - 325 out of 399 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dyschoriste rogersii S.Moore 05043499 Dyschoriste rogersii S.Moore
Dyschoriste rogersii S.Moore 5043501 Dyschoriste rogersii S.Moore
Dyschoriste rogersii S.Moore 5043503 Dyschoriste rogersii S.Moore
Dyschoriste decumbens (A.Gray) Kuntze 3601735 Dyschoriste decumbens (A.Gray) Kuntze
Dyschoriste 04218132 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste trichanthera Kobuski 04243741 Dyschoriste trichanthera Kobuski
Dyschoriste venturii Leonard 04243742 Dyschoriste venturii Leonard
Dyschoriste trichanthera Kobuski 04243746 Dyschoriste trichanthera Kobuski
Dyschoriste trichanthera Kobuski 04243758 Dyschoriste trichanthera Kobuski
Dyschoriste fischeri Lindau H. J. T. Venter 10373 03 Apr 2004 South Africa Mpumalanga Three km from Burgersfort to… 01157273 Dyschoriste fischeri Lindau
Dyschoriste fischeri Lindau H. J. T. Venter 10169 05 Jun 2003 South Africa Limpopo Louis Trichardt district, 1 km… 01157319 Dyschoriste fischeri Lindau
Dyschoriste schiedeana var. cinerascens Henrickson & Hilsenb. J. M. Smith 94 21 May 1974 United States of America Texas Jeff Davis Co. just the… 3601906 Dyschoriste schiedeana var. cinerascens Henrickson & Hilsenb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. F. I. X. Rugel 741 s.d. Cuba Matanzas Ad rupes maritimis prope Matanzas paratype 1185576 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. C. F. Baker 4421 14 Jan 1905 Cuba La Habana Cojimar paratype 1185575 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. E. L. Ekman 16886 06 Jul 1923 Cuba La Habana Casa Blanca, between Morro and… 1185568 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. E. L. Ekman 13693 05 Apr 1922 Cuba La Habana Casa Blanca, between Morro and… 1185567 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. C. F. Baker 2894 14 Mar 1906 Cuba La Habana Cojimar type 114981 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste R. E. S. Tanner 988 11 Sep 1952 Tanzania Lake Province Ihelele Parish, Mbarika… 5043531 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste R. E. S. Tanner 1203 08 Feb 1953 Tanzania Lake Province Igokero Chiefdom, Mwanza… 5043537 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste R. E. S. Tanner 1380 15 Apr 1953 Tanzania Lake Province Mbarika Parish, Mbarika… 5043534 Dyschoriste
Dyschoriste brachycalyx Lindau G. M. D. J. Troupin 9610 16 Jan 1959 Rwanda Northern Région du Mutara,colline Gikandura,- 05043476 Dyschoriste brachycalyx Lindau
Dyschoriste nagchana (Nees) Bennet J. E. Madsen 6180 25 Oct 1996 Burkina Faso Centre Est Boulgou (Prov.). Some km SE… 05043489 Dyschoriste nagchana (Nees) Bennet
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. P. Wilson 1912 29 Dec 1910 Cuba La Habana Swa coast between Cojimar and… 1185573 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. P. Wilson 9143 08 Dec 1910 Cuba La Habana El Morro to Cojimar 1185572 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.
Dyschoriste cubensis Urb. P. Wilson 9533 26 Dec 1910 Cuba La Habana Between Río Cojimar and Playa… paratype 1185571 Dyschoriste cubensis Urb.