Displaying 1 - 4 out of 4 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock 3562439 Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock
Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock J. R. Shevock 8802 10 Jul 1981 United States of America California Tulare Co. The Sierra Nevada.… isotype 387861 Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock
Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock B. Ertter 6053 22 Apr 1986 United States of America California Tulare Co. ca 1 mi… 03562437 Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock
Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock B. Ertter 7019 26 May 1987 United States of America California Kern Co. Pacific Crest Trail… 3562438 Dudleya calcicola Bartel & Shevock