Displaying 1 - 25 out of 511 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Dichapetalum letestui Pellegr. G. M. P. C. Le Testu 2004 1914 Gabon Région du Nyanga isotype 922 Dichapetalum letestui Pellegr.
Dichapetalum zenkeri Engl. G. A. Zenker 243 1894-1895 Cameroon Yaúnde [Yaoundé] isotype 927 Dichapetalum zenkeri Engl.
Dichapetalum tetrastachyum Breteler F. J. Breteler 7628 10 Nov Gabon Bélinga isotype 214933 Dichapetalum tetrastachyum Breteler
Dichapetalum costaricense Prance E. Bello 842 03 May 1989 Costa Rica Alajuela Reserva Biológica Monteverde Río Peñas… isotype 76792 Dichapetalum costaricense Prance
Dichapetalum steenisii Leenh. C. G. G. J. van Steenis 1182 10 Apr 1928 Malaysia Boengoeran Eiland [Natuna Island, P.… isotype 942 Dichapetalum steenisii Leenh.
Dichapetalum asplundeanum Prance C. H. Dodson 9658 18 Mar 1980 Ecuador Guayas Cerro Azul, near Chongon, turn… 908
Dichapetalum reticulatum Engl. G. A. Zenker 782 Cameroon "Bipinde" [Yaoundé, im Urwald bei… isosyntype 924 Dichapetalum reticulatum Engl.
Dichapetalum reticulatum Engl. G. A. Zenker 752 Cameroon "Bipinde" [Yaoundé, im Urwald bei… isosyntype 925 Dichapetalum reticulatum Engl.
Dichapetalum reticulatum Engl. G. A. Zenker 782 s.d. Cameroon "Bipinde" [Yaoundé, im Rwwald bei… isosyntype 926 Dichapetalum reticulatum Engl.
Dichapetalum coelhoi Prance B. W. P. de Albuquerque 68-119 19 Apr 1968 Brazil Amazonas Manaus, estrada Manaus-Itacotiara, Km 104 holotype 911 Dichapetalum coelhoi Prance
Dichapetalum coelhoi Prance B. W. P. de Albuquerque 68-119 19 Apr 1968 Brazil Amazonas Manaus, estrada Manaus-Itacotiara, Km 104 isotype 912 Dichapetalum coelhoi Prance
Dichapetalum submaritimum Elmer A. D. E. Elmer 12245 Apr 1910 Philippines Capiz Magallanes (Mt. Giting-Giting), island of… isotype 943 Dichapetalum submaritimum Elmer
Dichapetalum axillare Woodson P. H. Allen 2202 14 Jul 1940 Panama Coclé Hills N of El Valle… isotype 905 Dichapetalum axillare Woodson
Dichapetalum odoratum Baill. R. Spruce 2864 Oct 1852-Jan 1853 Brazil Amazonas Prope Panuré ad Rio Uaupès isotype 914 Dichapetalum odoratum Baill.
Dichapetalum cinereum Engl. G. A. Zenker 745 s.d. Cameroon Yaunde [Yoandé], Urwald bei der… type 920 Dichapetalum cinereum Engl.
Dichapetalum cinereum Engl. G. A. Zenker 745 Cameroon Yaunde [Yoandé], Urwald bei der… type 921 Dichapetalum cinereum Engl.
Dichapetalum bernalii Prance R. Bernal-González 809 26 Nov 1984-27 Nov 1984 Colombia Tolima Mariquita, 2 km SO del… isotype 910 Dichapetalum bernalii Prance
Dichapetalum mexicanum Prance J. V. LaFrankie 1275 18 May 1986 Mexico Veracruz Las Tuxlas range, Municipio Mecayapan:… isotype 5084 Dichapetalum mexicanum Prance
Dichapetalum froesii Prance G. A. Black 48-2884 11 May 1948 Brazil Amazonas Rio Issana [Içana], Tunuí holotype 913 Dichapetalum froesii Prance
Dichapetalum morenoi Prance P. Moreno 25468 20 Mar 1985 Nicaragua Río San Juan "La Gloria" 3.5 km al… isotype 38494 Dichapetalum morenoi Prance
Dichapetalum luzoniense Merr. & Rolfe Ahern's collector Forestry Bureau No. 3157 May 1905-Jun 1905 Philippines Rizal Luzon isosyntype 933 Dichapetalum luzoniense Merr. & Rolfe
Dichapetalum glabrum Elmer A. D. E. Elmer 7275 Jan 1906 Philippines Leyte Palo, Leyte island isotype 932 Dichapetalum glabrum Elmer
Dichapetalum prancei Fern.Casas F. J. Fernández Casas FC4054 04 Oct 1980 Paraguay Amambay Parque Nacional de Cerro Corá,… isotype 273714 Dichapetalum prancei Fern.Casas
Dichapetalum setosum Leenh. J. Clemens 21803 25 Jul 1929 Malaysia Sarawak Mt. Gat, Upper Rejang River isotype 941 Dichapetalum setosum Leenh.
Dichapetalum vestitum var. scandens Baill. R. Spruce s.n. Dec 1850-Mar 1851 Brazil Amazonas In vicinibus Barra [Manaus], Prov.… isotype 917 Dichapetalum vestitum var. scandens Baill.