Displaying 76 - 100 out of 2341 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. E. Joyal 1034 04 Apr 1986 United States of America Oregon Malheur Co. Southwest of Harper 1102386 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. E. Joyal 761` 07 May 1985 United States of America Oregon Malheur Co. Southwest of Harper 1102387 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. K. H. Thorne 1706 13 May 1982 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. Snake John Ridge 1102389 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. L. C. Higgins 18766 17 May 1992 United States of America Utah Kane Co. West of Hole… 1102390 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. E. J. Neese 11403 19 May 1982 United States of America Utah Emery Co. 5.5 airmiles WNW… 1102391 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. C. Refsdal 3775 07 Jun 1995 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Basins and Mountains… 1102392 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. R. L. Hartman 12603 24 May 1981 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Ca. 2 air… 1102393 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. S. L. Welsh 18438 23 May 1979 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Seedskadee National Wildlife… 1102394 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. T. Cramer 5763 10 Jun 1995 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Green River Basin:… 1102395 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. B. E. Nelson 34644 23 May 1995 United States of America Wyoming Sublette Co. Green River Basin:… 1102396 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. A. M. DeBolt 932 09 May 1988 United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. About 3 air… 1102397 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. B. Ertter 5872 30 Mar 1986 United States of America Idaho Canyon Co. Ca. 4 miles… 1102398 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. J. F. Smith 5488 24 May 2005 United States of America Idaho Butte Co. Little Lost River… 1102400 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. J. H. Christ 9535 18 May 1938 United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. Indian Cove near… 1102402 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. R. K. Moseley 235 14 May 1984 United States of America Idaho Butte Co. Proposed NPR building… 1102401 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. J. H. Christ 6235 10 Apr 1934 United States of America Idaho Canyon Co. 1102403 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. J. H. Christ 9581 19 May 1938 United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. 3 miles northwest… 1102404 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. H. D. D. Ripley 6531 02 Jun 1945 United States of America Idaho Owyhee Co. 10 miles southwest… 1102405 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. J. D. Walker 514 28 Apr 1965 United States of America Utah Duchesne Co. Found growing along… 1102406 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. H. D. D. Ripley 4661 30 May 1942 United States of America Utah Duchesne Co. 3 miles east… 1102407 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. R. C. Barneby 13181 12 Jun 1961 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. 6-7 miles north… 1102408 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. R. C. Rollins 1668 11 Jun 1937 United States of America Wyoming Uinta Co. Near Blacks Fork… 1102409 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. A. Nelson 4623 10 Jun 1898 United States of America Wyoming Granger 1102410 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. D. M. Henderson 2243 05 Jun 1975 United States of America Idaho Butte Co. Ca. 1/2 mile… 1102411 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.
Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf. H. M. Tucker 666 10 Apr 1937 United States of America Idaho Swarm Falls 1102412 Cymopterus acaulis (Pursh) Raf.