Displaying 1 - 50 out of 65 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson A. Cronquist 11398 20 May 1976 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. Ca. 25 km… 01110778 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson A. Cronquist 11531 04 Jun 1976 United States of America Utah Duchesne Co. Along the crest… 01110777 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson A. Nelson 2876 14 May 1897 United States of America Wyoming Laramie Co. 3213787 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson A. Nelson 4772 16 Jun 1898 United States of America Wyoming Bitter Creek 3213764 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson A. Nelson 7078 10 Jun 1900 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Bush Ranch 3213800 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson A. Nelson 10696 06 Jul 1926 United States of America Wyoming Northern Red Desert 3213765 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson B. E. Nelson 35162 18 Jun 1995 United States of America Wyoming Uinta Co. Basins and Mountains… 3213805 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson B. MacLeod 1109 30 May 1972 United States of America Colorado Moffat Co. NW facing slope… 3213759 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson C. J. Hansen 97-95 12 Jul 1997 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Ca. 3-3 mi… 3213776 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson C. L. Shear 4374 25 Jun 1895 United States of America Wyoming Green River. 3213771 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 7258 06 Jun 1979 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. 4 air mi… 3213767 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 7258 06 Jun 1979 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. 4 air mi… 3213768 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 9063 01 Jul 1982 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Cedar Mtn. W… 3213801 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 21060 30 Jul 1996 United States of America Colorado Saguache Co. 4 mi. W… 3213762 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 21060 30 Jul 1996 United States of America Colorado Saguache Co. 4 mi. W… 3213763 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 22667 17 Jun 1997 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Cooper Ridge. 25… 3213775 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson D. Atwood 22744 19 Jun 1997 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. Above (north of)… 3213804 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. B. Payson 2578 06 Jul 1922 United States of America Wyoming Sublette Co. Plains between Eden… 3213766 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. D. Merrill 617 19 Jun 1901 United States of America Wyoming Point of Rocks 3213788 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. E. Nelson 4338 05 Jun 1898 United States of America Wyoming Cooper Creek 3213789 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. F. Evert 1777 24 May 1980 United States of America Wyoming Park Co. Absaroka Mountains, N… 3213796 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. J. Neese 8619 12 May 1980 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. North end of… 01110775 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. J. Neese 8672 16 May 1980 United States of America Utah Duchesne Co. Starvation Reservoir Mgnt.… 01110774 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. J. Neese 10520 11 Jun 1981 United States of America Nebraska Cheyenne Co. Sidney rest stop,… 3213803 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. J. Neese 13860 21 Jun 1983 United States of America Utah Daggett Co. Mouth of Jessie… 01110773 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. J. Neese 13866 21 Jun 1983 United States of America Colorado Moffat Co. 18 airmi E… 3213760 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson E. Stearns s.n. May 1897 United States of America Utah West slope, Wasatch 01110769 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson F. E. Leonard 28/24 07 May 1885 United States of America Idaho Franklin Co. In the vicinity… 01110767 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson F. Tweedy 4260 25 May 1901 - 10 Jun 1901 United States of America Wyoming Carbon Co. Fort Steele 3213772 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson H. D. D. Ripley 3779 19 Jun 1947 United States of America Wyoming Lincoln Co. 14 mi. NE… 3213786 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson H. D. D. Ripley 8779 19 Jun 1947 United States of America Wyoming Lincoln Co. 14 miles NE… 3213798 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson J. F. Macbride 2 15 May 1910 United States of America Idaho Montpelier. Dry clayey hilltops. 3213758 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson J. L. Reveal 962 04 May 1968 United States of America Utah Duchesne Co. 3 miles west… 01110776 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson J. L. Reveal 2325 12 Jun 1971 United States of America Wyoming Albany Co. east of a… 3213793 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson J. L. Reveal 2336 14 Jun 1971 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. 0.2 mile north… 3213794 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson J. S. Peterson 83-113 07 Jun 1983 United States of America Colorado Moffat Co. Vermillion Gap, ca… 3213761 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson K. H. Dueholm 10739 20 Jul 1980 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. N side of… 3213792 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson K. H. Thorne 1373 28 Jun 1981 United States of America Utah Rich Co. Southeast side of… 01110768 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson K. Moon 212 02 Jun 2005 United States of America Utah Rich Co. Sage Hollow road… 01110781 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson N. D. Atwood 8842 06 Jun 1982 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. Mormon Gap, ca.… 01110780 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson N. D. Atwood 9087 01 Jul 1982 United States of America Utah Daggett Co. Top of Phil… 01110770 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson N. D. Atwood 9091 01 Jul 1982 United States of America Utah Daggett Co. Top of Phil… 01110771 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson N. D. Atwood 12827 05 Jun 1987 United States of America Wyoming Lincoln Co. Ca 5.4 mi… 3213782 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson N. H. Holmgren 1765 03 Jun 1965 United States of America Utah Duchesne Co. 1 mile up… 01110772 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson N. H. Holmgren 1859 08 Jun 1965 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. Hilly ridgetop country… 01110779 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson P. A. Rydberg s.n. 25 Jun 1895 United States of America Wyoming Green River. 3213779 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson R. C. Barneby 13184 12 Jun 1961 United States of America Wyoming Sweetwater Co. 6-7 mi NE… 3213799 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson R. C. Barneby 13205 13 Jun 1961 United States of America Wyoming Sublette Co. 4 miles s.… 3213795 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson R. C. Rollins 1645 10 Jun 1937 United States of America Wyoming Uinta Co. knoll near Black… 3213785 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson
Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson R. C. Rollins 1685 14 Jun 1937 United States of America Wyoming Uinta Co. Near Henrys Fork… 3213802 Cryptantha caespitosa (A.Nelson) Payson