Displaying 126 - 135 out of 135 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Roccellina chalybea Tehler T. H. Nash 28893 09 Jul 1989 Chile Coquimbo Peninsula de Coquimbo, immediately SW… 4585556 Roccellina chalybea Tehler
Roccellina chalybea Tehler A. G. Tehler 2413 12 Jan 1977 Chile Valparaíso Zapallar 4585555 Roccellina chalybea Tehler
Schizothrix chalybea (Kütz.) Gomont 02664226
Schizothrix chalybea (Kütz.) Gomont 02664227
Schizothrix chalybea (Kütz.) Gomont 02664228
Schizothrix chalybea (Kütz.) Gomont 02664229
Schizothrix chalybea (Kütz.) Gomont 02664230
Schizothrix chalybea (Kütz.) Gomont 02664231
Schizothrix chalybea var. minor N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 519 18 Jan 1915 Puerto Rico Caguas to San Lorenzo, on… holotype 00953296 Schizothrix chalybea var. minor N.L.Gardner
Schizothrix chalybea var. minor N.L.Gardner J. N. F. Wille 1176 17 Feb 1915 Puerto Rico Hacienda Holm near Mayaguez. paratype 00953297 Schizothrix chalybea var. minor N.L.Gardner