Displaying 26 - 44 out of 44 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin M. Lavin 3047 26 May 1981 United States of America Wyoming Sublette Co. North end of… 446312 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin K. H. Thorne 2010 13 Jun 1982 United States of America Utah Uintah Co. Blue Mt., head… 53951 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin A. Taye 2555 03 Jul 1984 United States of America Utah Beaver Co. Tushar Mountains, Delano… 01084579 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin M. A. Franklin 941 19 Jul 1984 United States of America Utah San Juan Co. LaSal mountains,… 01084580 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin J. S. Tuhy 1702 21 Jul 1984 United States of America Utah Piute Co. Southwest ridge of… 01084578 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin A. Taye 3045 06 Aug 1984 United States of America Utah Piute Co. Tushar Mtns., Mt.… 53952 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin K. H. Thorne 3369 11 Aug 1984 United States of America Utah Juab Co. Mt Nebo, on… 53953 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense D. H. Mansfield 91-460 25 Jul 1991 United States of America Oregon Harney Co. At the base… 53970 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin A. Huber 188 14 Jul 1993 United States of America Utah San Juan Co. Abajo Peak,… 01084574 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense J. B. Walker 693 07 May 1994 United States of America New York Orange Co. Black Bear Campground,… 42099 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin M. D. Windham 95173 14 Jul 1995 United States of America Utah San Juan Co. Southeast slope… 446302 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin M. Madsen 800 17 Jun 2000 United States of America Utah Garfield Co. Barney Top, ca.… 452856 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin A. Tiehm 17055 06 Jul 2015 United States of America Nevada Washoe Co. Sierra Nevada, Carson… 02633977 Cerastium arvense subsp. strictum (L.) Gaudin
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense 3161537 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense 3161538 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense 3161539 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense 3161540 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense 04386573 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense
Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense 03161534 Cerastium arvense L. subsp. arvense