Displaying 1 - 13 out of 13 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe L. R. Almodóvar | V. M. Rosado 4445 16 Feb 1962 Puerto Rico Guayanilla Small inlet, west of Ventana,… 02156353 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe L. R. Almodóvar | V. M. Rosado 5008 23 Jan 1964 Puerto Rico Humacao On rocks, eastern shore, Cayo… 02156356 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe M. A. Howe 26 b 07 Jun 1900 Bermuda Paget South Beach, washed ashore 02156351 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe L. R. Almodóvar | V. M. Rosado 4818 05 Feb 1963 Puerto Rico Rincón Córcega. 02156355 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. J. Bernatowicz 50-113 10 Nov 1950 Bermuda Saint George's Gravelly Bay, south shore of… 03560361 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. J. Bernatowicz 50-405 07 Dec 1950 Bermuda E. side of mouth of… 03560362 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. J. Bernatowicz 49-1826 25 May 1949 Bermuda North side of Charles Island,… 03560360 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. B. Hervey s.n. 07 Jan 1922 Bermuda Pirate's Cove 02156350 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe Collector unknown s.n. Dec 1913 Bermuda Smith's Bay holotype 00899978 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. B. Hervey s.n. 09 Mar 1913 Bermuda Smith's Bay 02156352 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe L. R. Almodóvar | V. M. Rosado 4323 03 Nov 1961 Puerto Rico Guayanilla. Ventana 02156354 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. B. Hervey s.n. 03 Feb 1913 Bermuda Smith's Bay 02343978 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe
Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe A. B. Hervey s.n. 03 Feb 1913 Bermuda Smith's Bay type 00937474 Callithamnion herveyi M.Howe