Displaying 1 - 10 out of 10 Object(s)

Taxon Collector Date Country State/Province Locality Type Status Barcode
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. A. Kellogg 6471 s.d. United States of America California 1645202 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. B. Crampton 3056 26 Jul 1955 United States of America California Mendocino Co. 1 mile east… 1645197 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. C. G. Pringle s.n. 02 Aug 1882 United States of America California Mendocino 1645203 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. H. N. Bolander 6471 1866 United States of America California type 346264 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. H. N. Bolander 6471 1866 United States of America California Mendocino Co. 1645198 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. J. B. Davy 6574 29 May 1900 United States of America California Mendocino Co. Noyo River. 1645201 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. J. T. Howell 23235 05 Jun 1947 United States of America California Sonoma Co. Cunningham Marsh. 1645199 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. J. T. Howell 23312 26 Jun 1947 United States of America California Sonoma Co. Cunningham Marsh. 1645200 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. Mary P. Wells 151 03 Aug 1983 United States of America California Sonoma Co. Timber Preserve of… 1645204 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.
Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb. W. R. Dudley s.n. 1899 United States of America California Del Norte Co. Coast meadows… 1608489 Calamagrostis bolanderi Thurb.